diary tiffany key pendant writing seems to be a common

Posted by yixue327
Jun 14, 2010
Additionally, the results revealed that Turkish teacher trainees experience relatively more positive affect elsa than negative affect in their lives. This finding was expectedly consistent with the findings of earlier research using the same measures (e.g., Ayyash-Abdo & Alamuddin, 2007; Diener, Suh, et al., 1995; Lucas, Diener, & Suh, 1996), since positive feelings are reported predominantly all around the world. Nevertheless, females reported more negative affect, such as feeling anxious, hurt, or tense, than their male counterparts did, as consistent with the findings of Ayyash-Abdo (2003) on Lebanese adolescents. This finding gives rise to thoughts regarding socio-cultural effects on females. Turkish culture may affect females' attitudes toward negative life experiences and emotional expressions via gender roles and stereotypes.

Regarding diary-keeping, consistent with the literature on the generality of diary-keeping behaviour in the lives of young people (Burt, 1994a; Rubin, 1982; Thomson, 1982), the findings revealed that over half of the students reported themselves as diarists. Among the diarists, the majority reported keeping a diary in the past, which extended through their adolescence years. Although diary -keeping decreases in the university years, diarists still seem to be considerable among teacher trainees. Therefore, in light of me findings of the present study, counsellors working with teacher trainees could take the familiarity of the trainees with diaries into consideration and take advantage of student diaries as a part of their interventions. tiffany Teacher trainees who are keeping diaries in their everyday lives without being given a special encouragement by anyone (such as a counsellor or another professional) may assume to be disposed to use these diaries in the counselling process if necessary. Moreover, mis does not just affect the counsellors who are providing services for teacher trainees; knowing about diarykeeping behaviours might also shed light on outdoor and experiential educators.

Nevertheless, the results of this study point to gender differences in diary-keeping behaviour. Although diary tiffany key pendant writing seems to be a common practice of female teacher trainees, diarists seem quite rare among male teacher trainees. A very limited amount of the males reported keeping a diary in the past, which extended to their adolescence years. This amount appeared to decrease even more for the university years. The obtained proportions of diarykeeping among male teacher trainees also seem very low compared to the proportions obtained from western male samples (Burt, 1994a, 1994b). This finding attracts attention to the distance of male Turkish teacher trainees from written emotional expression. However, due to the documented tendency of males to express their emotions not with words but ratfier tiirough their behaviour (c.f. Bruch, 2002; Goldsmith & Weller, 2000; Brody, 2000; Tylor et al., 2000; Kring & Gordon, 1998; Guttman & Laporte, 2002), it was not surprising in the present study to see an enormous group of non-diarist males; considering mat teacher trainees constitute the higher intellectual class in this society, the proportions of non-diarists exceed expectations. Since keeping a diary is a way of expressing oneself through in written form, it was thought that boys who don't prefer to express themselves through words also don't prefer to express themselves by writing in a diary. However, using such an occasionally preferred activity in the personal development processes of teacher trainees might be beneficial, considering the findings indicating more benefits for males after writing interventions (Manier & Olivares, 2005; Smyth, 1998).
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