a means of tackling Black feminization poverty, tiffany rings indirectly)

Posted by yixue327
Jun 14, 2010
The foregoing policy recommendations need to be equally applied also for Black men (as a means of tackling Black feminization poverty, tiffany rings indirectly). This is because, as this study has revealed, the causal factors of Black feminization of poverty are as much of Black females' labor market inadequacies and socioeconomic parameters, as they are of Black males' inability to create and maintain stable dual-parent families. Because of the relatively poor labor market attributes of Black males, they are unable to support stable families (and often are dependent on the females themselves). The traditional human capital development policies have not succeeded in benefiting Black men. But this is not to say that such policies are ineffective; Black men can and will benefit from traditional human capital development policies, provided they make themselves accessible to them. But the policy approaches for making more Black men accessible to greater human capital development and labor market successes lie, again, in socio-cultural parameters.

An example is represented by the "Hip-Hop" culture that appears to have been a major attraction (or rather, tiffany pendants distraction) for a significant portion of young Black males. This culture and the attitudes that it inculcates appears to be inimical and contrary to acquisition of traditional human capital and labor market attributes. Again, effective youth orientation and youth-counselling programs that educate on the long-term pitfalls of this culture would raise awareness among the youths, as preventive policy measures.Considering the previously mentioned national and cultural differences in terms of happiness, and the lack of research on the diary-keeping behaviours of teacher trainees, the present study was the first to investigate happiness in relation to the self-initiated coping behaviour of diary-keeping and gender among Turkish teacher trainees. The results revealed meaningful insights regarding the satisfaction with life, emotions, and diary-keeping behaviours of Turkish teacher trainees.

In terms of life satisfaction, Turkish teacher trainees were below the neutral point of the satisfaction with life scale, meaning that they were dissatisfied with their lives (as consistent with the previous findings on national and cultural differences in happiness) (Diener, Suh, Oishi, tiffany engagement rings & Triandis, 1998; Pavot & Diener, 1993; Oishi & Diener, 200 1 ) . In general , the lack of some factors previously emphasised in the literature as determinants of higher levels of happiness in life, such as wealth, economic development, greater freedom, and individualism, might be used as possible explanations for this dissatisfaction. However, the reasons for dissatisfaction deserve to become the focus of future research to provide detailed information for administrators, curriculum planners, instructors and counsellors working with Turkish teacher trainees.

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