Letter From a Mother

Posted by Manjari Shivahare
Mar 29, 2010
Image Communication is a very important skill to connect with people. It is very powerful also. You can encourage a person, develop better understanding or you can even destroy a person with this powerful tool.
Here is a letter from a mother to her daughter who has gone abroad for studies.

Hi beta
Its unreal, talking to you in real time and sharing your activities as they are happening. You should hear yourself now, so self assured, so calm and composed and so realistically mature. You have changed a lot in these last months, and Im changing with you. That is the greatest thing you are doing for me. Im learning to be better organized, more at peace with myself and learning to accept the ups and downs of life with a smile and a shrug of the shoulders.
This time I was perfectly organized for Nanaji's visit. I had everything ready at home which he likes to eat, arrangements were made for him to spread out his things and books were provided for him which he is enjoying deeply. Suddenly the whole quality of his visit is changed. He is happy and consequently we are all at ease. This ability to preplan,  to prepare for the future with a little careful thought and effort, is what I am learning from you. The paper you wrote on negotiations has also impacted me deeply and if you have a copy I would like to get it and save it, so I can read it again. There are some things there which have influenced the way I deal with your dad and maybe that is why we haven't got into a fight yet.
Everything in life has a reason and a time and for you the time for growth has come. Please dont look back at what you have left behind, your soul and your personality were not meant for this place. You are destined for something quite different and I see shades of your Naniji in you. As a young child she was totally different from her sisters, outgoing, gregarious, fond of jewellery and clothes, and movies and eager to sample life. This was in total contrast to the staid, sober upbringing of her house, and the limited ambitions of all her other sisters. Whatever may have been her relationship with Nanaji, he provided her an opportunity to fulfill her greatest dreams, and she rose to great heights, interacting with the most powerful people in the world and establishing her own image and personality wherever she went. You are made of the same stuff, aspiring to be something much beyond your culture and background and as Nanaji was telling me today, he and all of us here pray for your well being, success, and happiness everyday.
I learned this morning how to save songs sent to me by email in the Windows Media player. So now I have your song, and the songs my cousin sent me all on the playlist and I'm quite ready for some more. It becomes very personalized when someone sends something to you. Id also like to see your friend's photos. That should be fun. I was going through R.... (Name)  pics the other day and one on Flight and one in Mauritius are so beautiful, I have saved them in my documents.
As usual, all the best to you. As long as your voice keeps ringing in my ears, I feel you are so close to me. I truly bless God for Skype.
Lots of love

beta is  daughter
Nanaji is mother's father
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Comments (2)
Subhash C Narula

Few days back I read the famous letter from Lincon to the school Principal. This letter reminded me of that. Now these are the kind of letters which can inculcate values in the siblings. Great letter Manjari. I wish every parents could read it.

Mar 31, 2010 Like it
Aditya S.

Consultant and Internet Marketer

We are in the world of duplication. This is a beautiful letter how a mother can inculcate good values in her daughter and also encourage her. One can learn a lot from this letter.

Mar 30, 2010 Like it
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