Posted by Vasco Diogo
Jul 23, 2009
Image Sqip.Com is sharing 50% of it's cash equity value....and it does'nt cost a thing to get your slice of the pie.  

When you join Sqip you get an instant 100 FREE PEPs credited to your account which can be worth 2000 Euros and potentially much more in cash equity to you.

These are your Stakeholder starter PEPs.

PEPs stand for Private Equity Points and are the measure of your cash worth in Sqip.

Your PEP value increases as the total membership in Sqip grows.

People you dont even know are making you thousands in cash equity.

Sqip is growing fast because our members get rewarded for introducing new members. And the more members you have in your Equity Group the more you can earn as a stakeholder in Sqip.

You get one PEP for every new member that joins via your group. And your Equity Group can be 10 levels deep with unlimited members on each level.

When you introduce some one to Sqip and they introduce some one and then that person introduces some one and so on for 10 levels deep; you are getting more and more PEPs credited to your account which autoimatically increase in value every day because there are thousands of members introducing new members every day.

This is the power of social networking and viral marketing combined into an unstoppable force that is making Sqip a self fulfilling prediction.

Sqip will continue to grow and then the business will be bought out...and when that happens you will receive a lump sum cash equity payment for every PEP you own.

Can you see how profitable this can be for you when all you have to do is introduce a great Social Networking site to as many people as you can.

There is no obligation to buy or sell anything...ever.

You are earning simply by being a member and introducing new members.

The more members Sqip has... the higher the equity value will be per member...and we show you how to build an equity group of thousands.

Imagine having 10, 20 or even over 50,000 PEPs when Sqip is bought can get paid 20 euros per PEP...and what if Sqip gets valued at an even higher amount per member?

Can you begin to see just how profitable this can be for you?

Joining Sqip is instant and free. You do not have to buy do not have to sell anything.

You can make potentially huge profits simply by introducing others to Sqip and telling them to get their free cash equity in one of the fastest growing Social Networking sites.

This is the power of Sqip...and it's yours for the taking.

You are only moments away from from getting your Sqip referral link.

Sign up...get your link...start referring and watch your equity grow.

  • Get 100 FREE PEPs when you join
  • Zero risk with nothing to lose
  • Earn thousands of PEPs by referring
  • FREE marketing resources and training
  • Residual cash commission...make a 6 figure income
  • Lump sum cash payment when we buy back your PEPs
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