Did Mike Dillard tell a frustrated network marketer to shut up?
Originally posted @ Frustrated Network Marketer
Mike Dillard’s “Ask Mike†Video Response that he sent out today focused on an email that was sent by a frustrated member of the network marketing community. He explained in the letter how he is sick of being lied to by his upline.The frustrated networker asked Mike what should he do now. What should his next step be? He was sick of believing what people in this industry told him to do because it had not worked for him yet.
Mike’s answer of course may not be what you think. Mike said stop your bullshit. He told him to stop siding with your victim mentality and take responsibility for your business. I love what Mike says here. He basically tells him to stop looking for someone to blame for your failure and stop looking for people to cheat you. Shut up and get to work learning the skills you need.
Here is the video http://budurl.com/uplinesbullshit
Ask yourself afterwards… Is there anything that I’m not taking responsibility for in my business? Hint: new skills Am I looking for someone else to tell me the instant magic formula to making money in network marketing? Hint: There’s not one. It’s the weekend. Will you spend it at the park or learning a new skill to advance your business?
Success in Network Marketing has to do with you being the only one to seek the knowledge and skills to do the work in order to become successful. It’s easier to say it’s them and not me. It gives you an excuse to stay in your current situation which you think is easier than doing whatever it takes to be successful. Mike Dillard is giving away Magnetic Sponsoring for a one week Free trial right now. He continues to lead thousands of network marketers Down the Right Path here: http://budurl.com/mikesfreetrial