Repair Windows Right From Running Desktop

Ok Incase you are able to log into Windows in Normal mode.
In Run Menu(press Win Key +R or Click on run found on Start Menu)
Now Windows Will ask to insert Windows CD, insert Windows Cd into same cd/dvd drive through which you installed your Windows.
As soon as SFC detects Windows CD ,it Will start Checking for Installed Windows Files And Compares With Files On Windows CD, IF any Mismatch in file ,SFC Will Atomatically replace it,
SFC is also usefull in case you had VIRUS attack and few of windows files got deleted By That VIRUS.
If your unable to login to Windows in NORMAL MODE,
Try pressing F8(Function Key) before you get windows boot dialog(i.e When YOU GET BLACK SCREEN WITH WINDOWS XP WRITTEN ON IT)
Start pressing F8 key as soon as you start your pc ,now a new menu will Appear and you get many option like start in safe mode,safe mode with networking,safe mode with command prompt,start windows normally
JUST select Safe Mode.
After You Login in safe mode ,carry out procedure mentioned in the beginning
Hopefully this should solve your problem and wont lose any data.
for more commands on SFC ,type SFC /? in Command Prompt
This command Works on Windows 2000,Xp,2003,Vista & Vienna.
There is one more procedure For repairing ,Which i will post tomorrow.
Hope This Procedure Was USEFULL