Remove Autorun.inf Based Virus Manually

then type del autorun.inf and Hit enter
then type MD autorun.inf and Hit enter
thats it, again that virus wont be able to create autorun.inf file. similarly do it for other drives
to go to D drive type d: in cmd prompt, and repeat previous procedure,
To remove Autorun.inf totally you 've to even remove from registry, type regedit in run menu
go to-->
Double click the NoDriveAutorun DWORD entry & type the value HEX:FF
Now Reboot
If This Method Does Work , Same Procedure Has to be followed in Recovery Console,
To Perform in RECOVERY CONSOLE, Insert Bootable Windows cd & boot into cd, After Initialization process you will be Asked to Press Enter for Setup Or R to Repair, Press R, You Will be Taken To Recovery Console Similar to Ms-Dos prompt, Then You have to follow
1) Type 1 to select Your OS (Default C Drive)
2) Then type admin password , if not set(default not set) Just hit enter
Then Follow Procedure Which Was Stated Above About Removing Virus from Command Prompt.