Difference between traditional & online business

Posted by Greed Hellscream
Jul 10, 2008

Traditional business means the business which we know about from our childhood.

These are a bookshop, daily needs shop, hotel, restaurants, vegetable shop, department stores, etc.

Traditional businesses have some limitations. You can't do it as part-time, requires huge

investment which a common man can not afford, unless and until you have some experience

of business you can't start, unfortunately if you fail in one business then it is very difficult

to start another one, requires big space and set-up, you have to work as per customer's


While in online business you don't required any investment, you can start it at free of cost,

this you can do as part time job and if you got huge success, left the present job, it's possible.

Online business requires very less experience but if you have some technical knowledge that

is well and good. You can do it from your home because this type of business don't required any set-up, only a computer with internet connection is sufficient, online business

has no time limit if you wish you can do it as 24 x 7 x 365.

Some features of traditional business is:

01) Business has local limits.

02) No help from field experts.

03) Physical exercise required.

04) Difficult to change field.

05) Failure is visible to every one.

Some features of online business is:

01) Global business.

02) Experts are ready to help.

03) No physical exercise.

04) Can do in any field of business.

05) No one will know about your failure.

In my opinion online business is very good form of business, for a person who has desire

of his own business. Start it with no investment,improve skills,work hard,keep faith on yourself.

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Comments (1)
No longer an active ...

One can argue the truth of most of the statements you make. Personally I like to focus on mindsets.

Your closing sentence "Start it with no investment,improve skills,work hard,keep faith on yourself." is moving in the right direction.

Another way of expressing it would be "Start with an affordable investment, be willing to learn and be coached, work smart with simple tasks you perform each day, and allow your strong self-motivation to guide you".

The difference between failure and success is

Jul 10, 2008 Like it
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