How to write a Better Email Marketing letter

Posted by KeNya Strickland
Oct 10, 2007
Just Say No To Spam
Another lesson about email marketing....
So far I have been learning alot about email marketing. I love to learn.
Everyday just like millions of other email users you get thousands of spam like i do.
I do not belive in sending spam or harvesting emails.
People hate spam, now theres even services to get your ISP address banned if you send spam.
I recently deleted 5 ISP address that were trying to send bulk email using my ISP addres. i have no idea how they did it. But these sneeky spammers sure did find away, even when my ISP address was brand spanking new (again)!
Well, I advise you never belive in sending thousands of bulk emails to anyone.
This can ruin your representation and even ban your ISP address!
You should try to send personal email address not just selling to someone right of the bat.
Give them some good advise that is helpful, and in a creative way blend it with your message as a tip or a sponsor.
"This ad is brought to you by....", if its a newletter, or enzine.
Sending an email to a new prospect. Be brief and sweet. I get so many diffrent emails with big huge ugly color words. Blinking headers and banners in emails. It scares me to even want to read it. I immidately want to delete it, beacae big over font emails hurt my eyes, and gives me a headache.
Remember that the first impression is the only impression you get. Thats why its called a first immpression! Emails that are studied and tested with just enough details of WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, AND WHY gets more clicks and attention.
 Dont give out so much detail that the client doesn't even have to click your link, because you told them everything!
Be creative, keep it short, and never spam. Send an email just like you would to a friend.
You dont send your freind a bunch of big colorful banners and huge fonts that take over the hole email page. Or insert so many links in the email letter, that you dont know if the person is trying to tell you something or being desperate trying to sell you something you really dont want or need.
Study adout how to write a good sales letter. I buy marketing books all the time, and you can learn alot from other people who are already where your trying to achieve. "Success!"
Where if its more money,Sales,fame,or happiness. We are all trying to achieve something when we market.
Ask a collegue to read your letter to you, to see if your letter is good enough to market.
Read your letter out loud also.
Always track your progress, email tracking is very popular. Keep track of the headlines you use to get your readers attention. Date when you started your campaign.
Study your headlines try to keep your headline under 30 words, some email programs won't deliver an email if the header is too long. Some people dont open an email  if they can read the hole header.
Use a spam checker to make sure your email letter can pass the spam check.
Use a new way of delivering your message. using bullets, diffrent symbols that are text compatible also, just like in html. You dont know if the person turned off their images.
Revise, revise, revise! Always try to make your letter better each time.
Spell check your letter. Use a good spell checker, and another one just to make sure your letter is perfect. Too many misspelled words in a sells letter is a big turn off.
Make sure your emails are targeted that your not sending to an old email address that requested years ago to stop receiving emails. Make sure your email list is fresh no older than 4 weeks old.
Sending undeliverable and Unreliable emails is just like going fishing with a broken line.
Send your letter with care!
Be a friend ,not the a annoying sales person that won't go away.
Until next time Have a  Happy Marketing Day!
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Comments (1)
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

Going back in time and actually learning how to write a good business or personal letter is a very good thing, too! :)

Great books were written back in the '70's and I still refer to them! :)

Oct 10, 2007 Like it
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