Different Types of Popular Online Advertsing What really works what Dosen't
*PPC Campaines ( pay-per-Click) what Really works and what doesnt't.
I dont belive in bashing a company that sucks in this catagory that didnt deliver as promised. I will only give examples of what to look for when going about PPC Campanies, and what to watch out for.
One comapny didnt have a cancle button and they took my money without my consent. I will look for these features the next time I try another PPC company.So I willnot get ripped off again.
*traffic exchanges- Who are the internet Clickers? Who uses ( Cliking for points-veiwers per point to veiw websites) i am am a member of alot of diffrent traffice exchanges. i feel like I am wasting my time sometimes. I tried to promote my Health website. That promotion didnt work. I belive Traffic exchanges aren't being veiwed by buyers. So I will try a diffrent methods. I have a list of what I will try. I might post my progress in this blog to help others what I have found what really works. Still looking though.
*Selling ad Space- I am thinking about selling ad space on my website. I will test to see if this will grow my Sales conversion to pay for my website. I see that yahoo and google are very popular Ad space contextual advertsiments for customers to click on. So webmasters like myself can get paid to run a successful online business to meet the bootom line half way. Just to pay for expenses to keep going. I will create a space that wont junk up my website.
*Creating Online Videos for Vewiers to rate and Share- This type of advertsiment is new to me. I will look into this to see what types of Vedios will allow you to share and post comments on.I found some I willpost for you to see once I look into this.
*Postcard-Direct mail- Does this type of Advertsing work? I havent done this yet. I will need to keep researching this idea to prmote my own busness. Are there any companies out there thats worth looking into. I will need contacts if before I do a mailing campaine. I will most likely need to buy targeted leads.To match with the postcards need to buy, and find a company that does it all, so marketing wont be confusing.
*Email campaigns-Some say that email still works some don't. I know alot of people read their email just like I do. I will still use this method. Its persoanl attention that get over looked.
Never send bulk emails! This will bann your ISP address and get you black listed as a spammer.
*Enzine Marketing- Post your ads in Enzines I heard this is the best way to get your message out there into the hands that really matter. I will try this method also.
*Hosting an game on your website. A thrid party gaming site will pay you to post their html game onto your website.People play and can win, you colect the check when people play.
*Pop-ups- are too annoying and are "frowned-up-on" with countless internet users. This is a dead service. even pop-unders.Customers say that some sites have porn or viruses on their pop ups or pop unders. Some search engines can have you black listed if caught using these services.
*Banner marketing is still hot, and people still click on the banners. This advertsing method still works.
* Putting your busness name on T-shirts, stickers & Stamps, envelopes, bumper stickers,hats,ect.
* Giving away downloads or e-books as a free gift. I see too many of this type of marketing. I dont belive in buying e-books. I rather buy real books. I only download something if I find its usefull not given away as a gift. I experinced many that many e-book download dont work, and many of the downwloads have many ads and affiliate links back to the seller or writer of the software. Alot of the information is just to con you out of your money. Slick creative aways to make you belive alot of garbage that dont even make since is a good program, or some companies that are getting sued even illegal to even market, because of legal reasons.Pushing bad products as good. Or bad useless information as great.
When I find more adertsing methods I will post here until then have a Safe and Happy marketing day.