10 Proven Tips On Improving Your Memory
10 Proven Tips On Improving Your Memory
Memory is a complicated process that involves some brain activities helping us to keep in mind various aspects of our life and adhere to the established way of living. It’s been known for quite a while that memory has a tendency to grow weaker with the influence of the age-related factors. Also, we have only a limited ‘space’ to keep things in our head, which usually works against us regarding remembering or recollecting things. So what could be done to improve that slight mental defect? Here are the tips on how you can widen your memory potential and solve the matter.
Tip 1 – Proper Nutrition
It’s no secret that we are basically what we eat. The lack of vitamins and minerals can cause both physical- and mental-related problems, which is definitely a no-go for a growing and developing organism. So make sure you receive a required complex of vitamins (especially the B vitamins) and avoid the unhealthy food.
Also, the scientists recommend eating barriers to improving the long-term memory. The studies on aged female nurses had shown that those women who ate at least two servings of blueberries a week had a moderate memory decline reduction. Same goes to strawberry. However, there are still debates regarding its equal effectiveness.
Tip 2 – Doing Exercises
A regular fitness or simply doing the exercises will not only improve your physical state but will make a positive impact on your memory too. If you develop a habit of doing exercise each morning, it will significantly benefit to your cognitive abilities. Taking a walk could also be a real push for a productive brain activity. Do not neglect the opportunity to walk to your office/university.
Tip 3 – Healthy Sleep
Sleep is the state in which most of our memory consolidation processes occur. Though we spend a significant part of our life in sleep, we wouldn’t be able to remember a thing with the lack of one. The studies have proven that even a short nap can have a positive influence on our memory. It doesn’t only refer to the sleep after learning, but to the rest before learning as well. So studying the whole night long is not only useless but a destructive process. Try to reduce it to a minimum.
Tip 4 – Associative Images
Our recollecting abilities work better when we associate things with some accurate images. You are more likely to remember where you were going to buy/ask/do if you wrote that on a paper and fixed on a foreground. Or you can just use a colored pen to write something down, and the color of letters will be ‘photographed’ by your brain. This is an easy way to make things easier.
Tip 5 – Embellishment of an important concept
There are situations in which you need to remember someone’s name out of other names. To do that some recommend adding an emphasizing image to the name of a person, something that will make him stand out of a crowd. For example, if his name is Daniel you can add the surname Radcliffe and imagine him in a Hogwarts mantle. This method works without a hitch.
Tip 6 – Method Acting
It is also called the Stanislavski system (in the name of its creator Konstantin Stanislavski). The system makes the words memorable through their emotional coloring. A well-known actor Al Pacino referred to that method. It’s useful when the presentation is near at hand.
Tip 7 – PAO (Person-Action-Object)
The fundamental idea of the method is to create a ‘living’ image for every number from 00 to 99. For example, 20 = Tony Stark getting into his suit. Those who play Blackjack or work with numbers may use it.
Tip 8 – Breaking into Smaller Sets
Some call this method chunking. It lies in turning an extended string into smaller sets. A credit card number may be a shining example of applying this system: 16 digits are divided into four sets for more convenience. It comes handy when you need to remember a phone number.
Tip 9 – Adding personal judgments
If you need to remember some important date or your friend’s birthday, you can apply this technique. Simply add some of your own experiences or thoughts regarding this particular time and they will be fixed in your brain.
Tip 10 – Focusing on essential things
Although it sounds trite, the distracted attention can hardly be of any help when it comes to remembering some relevant information. Always concentrate on things to remember and banish the extraneous thoughts.
Hopefully, these small tips could serve you well in your future studies. If they were of some help, we’d like to hear from you on our site essaysacademic.com. For now, we wish you all the high grades and easy tasks.
Comments (1)
Lokesh Kapoor
Digital Content Creator
very nice tips........... thanks for sharing Alice