1, 2, 3 Digital Printing Is That Easy!

Posted by Blair Nicole
Sep 20, 2017

The face of printing has changed along with modern computing through the past three generations with each new advance offering something that previous applications lacked. For businesses, this means they can keep presenting their products and themselves in a better light, literally and figuratively. Now, digital printing offers the clearest, crispest images yet, giving each picture a lifelike appeal not previously captured on film.

The Upside Of Digital Printing

Traditional methods of printing involve using plates to recreate the desired image on multiple pages, as in the creation of flyers, or on a single page, as in the publication of a periodical or newspaper. While the actual printing may be accomplished mechanically and almost effortlessly, the creation of each plate is time consuming and costly. Additionally, the plate may degrade over time, contaminating the image with impurities.

Fortunately, generations of computer technology have advanced the printing process, giving the business world better options for their printing needs. Digital printing does away with the need for plates and monstrous machines, while also enhancing the quality of the printed page.

What makes digital printing the preferred method in most cases?

1. Speed

As mentioned, digital printing is preferred in most cases, because it forgoes the set-up time in preparing plates. Even beyond that, multiple copies of complex pages can be printed at a moment's notice and with only a few moments of print time.

2. Variable Data Printing

In using a plate, the old adage of "what you see is what you get" holds a little too true. On a job that requires multiple copies with minor alterations, a separate plate would have to be created for each change. In digital printing, it's a simple matter of merging fields with a database, such as a contact list with names and addresses.

3. Cost

There are fewer stages involved with digital printing. That, as well as the advantage of doing away with printing plates, makes the process cheaper and that's something every business finds appealing.

4. Environment Friendly

We're all looking for ways of doing business that won't contribute to the decimation of our environment, so coming across something that allows us to deliver a superior product, while also helping our environment is certainly a win. Digital printing does that by eliminating the need for poisonous inks and toxic chemical solutions.

CES&R Brings Digital Printing To Utah

There's no need to save up for a top of the line machine, when CES&R is available to serve as a premium digital printing source. Whether the image comes from a .pdf file or some other digital source, CES&R can easily transfer the image to paper at a low cost.
CES&R isn't just for businesses, either. 

The long list of printing jobs this service provider will perform includes:

  • Personalized projects (photo books & albums)
  • Variable data printing (mailing lists)
  • Digital photo printing (retouch and reprint family pictures)
  • Marketing/advertising (large banners and signs)
  • Architectural design (wall murals and floor graphics)

Whether you need reprographics, color printing, oversized prints, or high volume printing for your next project, consider tapping into the advantages of digital printing.

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