Some of you probably know me as an author. My name is Isabelle Esling and I am a writer by passion.I have written books in three languages. I am very eclectic, I have written musical biographies, novels, romans, self-development and spiritual books. However, being a writer doesn't really make sense to me, if I am unable to reach my audience. I am nothing without you, my readers, and I would give you all an occasion to know me better as an author and as a person.

Therefore I gathered a few interviews from various websites that will give you a more concrete idea about my evolution as an author.

To start, here is an interview from positive thinker Casey Rose about my second release, Unwrap your Present.

Also, I would like you to know more about my most recent release, my 9th book, An Encounter with Yeshua. So I gathered four different media sources in order to give you a more precise idea.

Donna Kshir led the Examiner interview.

Awesome Gang granted me another occasion to express myself. So did the Pretty Hot book promotions website
I was also featured on Fiona Mcvie's website.

Most of my books are available on Amazon.

My lastest release is available on Amazon and Please note that the e-book is FREE.

Feel free to ask me for any question you might have. I am available at

© copyright by Isabelle Esling

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