Updated 2011-2012 Salary Ranges for Social Media Professionals.  

Social Media Job opportunities continue to grow as more Online Businesses focus their hiring on skilled Twitter Marketing Managers, Facebook Consultants, YouTube Marketing Analysts, Linkedin Social Media Marketing Assistants who can generate more traffic and engage new business partners across these platforms. 

This gives job seekers and seasoned social media pros a wealth of national career options, and now they have a resource to help them find their next social media jobs even faster. 

Introducing the new Onward Search Social Media Jobs Salary Guide - a comprehensive look at the best job markets, the most in-demand job titles and salary ranges for Social Media Professionals in the top 20 U.S. cities such as Chicago, New York or Los Angeles. 

This free guide makes it easy to take your social media career to the next level, so download it below, link to it and share it with your fellow social media pros! To give you the most complete information about developing your Social Media Career, we’ve also gathered career tips from those people who’ve helped shape the social media industry. 

Check out our featured Social Media Career Advices and Tips for professional guidance from social media experts. 

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