
Maulik Patel

Architect, Last online: 1 month ago

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UniquesCadd offers extensive knowledge of comprehensive BIM (Building Information Modelling), architecture BIM modelling, structural BIM services, and CAD Drafting solutions. These services are a boon for construction companies, architects, designers, engineers and builders. By implementing BIM into their projects and products, they can get maximum return on their investment.


  • Owner
    Jun 2009 to Present

    We are a well-known & professional data management company providing comprehensive data entry & data management services to numerous industry verticals since 2009.

  • Sr. Data Operator
    Feb 2021 to Present

    One of the greatest companies I've ever worked with. I learned here so much and Uniquesdata will always be in my heart forever ❤ Thank you so much for the opportunity. It was a pleasure to serve you. #Gratitude ✌

  • APSense Member
    July 19, 2023

    Joined the APSense community.

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