Affiliates helping Affiliates

Affiliates Helping Affiliates Administrators

by Douglas Wolfe Web Designer & Developer
Douglas Wolfe Committed   Web Designer & Developer
Hello Y'all,
I would like to ask the administrators to help in posting articles to the affiliate articles subject if you have any you feel will help others.
Also please help out when you have the time in answering any questions or asking questions.
Lets work together to make this group a one stop hot spot for information and help to all marketers, advertisers and affiliates.
Thank you
Douglas Wolfe
Jul 7th 2007 03:39

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Douglas Wolfe Committed   Web Designer & Developer
Hi admins for AHA,
Ken I know you have been out of town so this message is not meant for you.
All other admins, Please be active in the group. I know time constraints keep many from being here real often. But as an admin you can post once a week possibly. I hate to remove people who wished to be an admin. But when you are totally inactive in the group you leave no choice. Please post and join in the spirit of the group. If you do not want to participate in the group on a regular basis please let me know. Otherwise if I hear nothing and you continue to be totally absent I will have no choice but to remove you as admin.
Douglas Wolfe
Jul 22nd 2007 08:18   
You are not yet a member of this group.