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God Bless America!

by William Patrick
William Patrick Advanced  
We went to the 4th of July celebration, last night. While the fireworks was going off. We both thought of our sons and daughters fighting overseas.
We agree that they know what they are fighting and dying for? We have people around the world that hate our way of life. We don't have to worry about God destroying US. We as a people will do it for him. We are not promoting anything here. Just letting you know that we love our Lord and Country. My Father served in three Major wars. God Bless our Military for the Freedom they give to US to grow our Business. And our lives. Thanks to our Lord Jesus for not destroying this world like we deserve. But loving us before we loved him.
Jul 5th 2007 08:21

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Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
Ditto That

Thank you

Jul 5th 2007 09:36   
Graham Hunt Advanced   
I'm sorry, it's getting late in my part of the world but what exactly do you mean by "We don't have to worry about God destroying US. We as a people will do it for him? What? Destroy yourselves? That does not seem to fit the sentiment of the rest of the post.
Jul 5th 2007 09:59   
Douglas Wolfe Committed   Web Designer & Developer
Thank you for putting into words what so many feel during times like this. We keep Americas Sons and Daughters in out prayers daily. They are scattered all over the world protecting our freedom with their blood and lives.
Thank The Lord that there are still so many who truly believe left in this country. So many with the faith and patriotism to step up and voluntarily defend God, Country, Family & our way of life.
Many deride America out of fear, envy, religious fanaticism and other reasons. But the american government has made mistakes in the past. In places like Iran, Panama, Chile and Iraq many years ago. America has tried to right some of those wrongs. Yet the price we pay for those mistakes continues to be high.
Remeber always to pray for our leaders and that the Lord will guide thier choices and actions. Pray that we can overcome all of the problems and history. Pray for America, Pray that we never lose faith and never stray from the path set before us.
God is with us, God has always been with us, God will always be with us, Gid Bless you all.
Douglas Wolfe
Jul 5th 2007 10:43   
Stephen Lapointe Innovator   
Hello pat and Vickie you are right about Christ, cause of ourselves we cannot do anything. Its christ who does all the saving and also all the direction is his. Our salvation is only because of the grace of God. You can hand out tracts and witness til u turn blue but we cannot get anyone saved. The ole saying is you can lead a horse to water but You cannot make it drink from it!! and that is the same with god. He is working for us even if we cannot see it. Everything that happens in life, there is no accident, its all according to his plan for those whom he came to save(( HIS family)) MAY the lord continue to do a good work in you both that he started from the begiinning even before u were born and will continue until your last breath of air. God bless Steve LApointe just also we=anted to take a minute and share breifly with you abouit this amazing book , go to my profile and u will see it there. ITs exasctly how god works mysteriously
Jul 5th 2007 16:58   
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