Work from Home Group


by Bob C. Health & Wellness Coach
Bob C. Senior   Health & Wellness Coach
Hi Work from Home - Networking Group members!

Let's talk Upline and Downline.

Tell us about your experiences with your Upline and Downline and their methods, the good and the bad, the past and the present!

With all the different opportunities and their methods this should provide plenty of feedback. The success and struggles you have experienced can help your fellow members and you can possibly learn from them too.

Lets hear what you have to say.
Bob Cater
Jul 2nd 2007 10:04

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Coletha Browning Senior   Runner Blogger
I started with a great business, but I needed to learn how to generate leads because the business is a FREE Mall. The way to make money is when you shop you earn cash rebates. When others buy from your mall store, and when others sign up for their own FREE mall and sell to others you both earn a commission. It is a great business for those starting out with no money. Well my upline from My Power Mall was excellent and very helpful. She contacted me right away and offered assistance.

I found an excellent lead generating system Veretekk. I can honestly say if I only use Veretekk I will still generate all the leads I need to run a successful business. Well my Veretekk upline was not supportive and all, and NEVER responded to any of my emails. The Veretekk system is very robust. I ended up meeting two trainers from that system that invited me here and have provided more support than you would imagine considering I am not in thei Veretekk downlines.

I have several in my downline. It continues to grow daily. As with the law of averages, so are responsive and ask for help immediately. Others sign up and I never get any response from them after my initial contact. I don't prefer to call people because to be honest I don't like being called myself unless I extend you an invite. My time at home is private, but I always send out an email offering my assistance via email or telephone. Whichever they prefer. Half the time I get fake phone numbers anyway. The email option seems to work out bette for me, plus I get a lot of signs ups from Australia, Inda, and Asia. Those are hard phone calls to return.
Jul 2nd 2007 10:54   
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