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Suggestions - What would you love to see at Apsense

by Thea Westra Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique...
I love this community because of some of the unique little tools they've incorporated - such as Apsense Express, reporting unrelated comments, creating our own groups etc.

One of the things that I'd really love to have here, is a place to load a personal signature that automatically is added on to our message, message reply or subject reply.

Another that I'd like to have at Apsense is similar to a WYSIWYG editor e.g. allowing us to highlight text and insert the link quickly. Typing out our own UBB codes can get a little tedious when replying to a lot of messages.

What are some features that you'd like the Apsense crew to consider as they continue to develop this wonderful community resource?

There's no guarantee that any of these will be incorporated, however I thought it'd be great to indicate what we would like to see, to make this one of the most desired, efficient and effective communities on the net.

Namaste, Thea
Jun 30th 2007 22:06

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Dominique G. Senior   HR
I would like to see the personal signature option as well. I would also like to have the original message included when we reply to someone, instead of having to copy and paste it each time. And I think it would be nice if there were some type of messenger service available, that way we could communicate more with each other.
Jul 14th 2007 00:21   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
I love all three of your ideas Dominique.
I'd also like to see the light blue pop up default to the left of the message and perhaps even outside the message box (itt appears when clicking a message heading at the Apsense Express), rather than appearing to the right-hand side of our cursor, covering over the existing messages and hiding all the others when you're trying to look and read headings.

Namaste, Thea
Jul 14th 2007 05:41   
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