Marketing Advice

What was the lowest point in your business / job ?

by Sonu Nilam Consultant
Sonu Nilam Advanced Consultant
What was the lowest point in your business / job where you thought that this-might-be-the-end ? How did you face it ? Do you see yourself more positive today ? Please share here.
Nov 16th 2012 04:05

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A S Kumar Committed   Netpreneur
I started the online earning project and was trying to earn my first $$ and realized after about eight months that I was going bankrupt investing in programs. I was ready to throw it and get out, surprisingly my first earnings started trickling in from a TRAFFIC EXCHANGE and I was surprised. This saved the day and four years later I am still here
Nov 16th 2012 09:04   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
My lowest point ws before I started working online. I was homeless at the time living on the streets finding random cars to stay warm in. I used local libraries during the day just to give myself something to do. One library in a small town I was in at the time allowed people to use the computers without a library card. I was REALLY proficient with computers having used them sense I was really young so I searched for ways to make money.

When I got started I was very young and marketing was really easy. Didn't take much effort at all. Took me a couple months to get started and its been working for me ever sense. Every 2 or 3 years I try to do a cross country walk and meet others in similar situations as myself was in and help them learn to use computers to better themselves.
Nov 16th 2012 21:07   
Oswald Rodrigues Professional
That's a truly inspiring story, Bruce. Goes to show that anyone can create wealth online if one is really determined.
Nov 18th 2012 10:31   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
I never had the privilege of a job...
But twice in my life I have been"wiped out" both times my agricultural ventures failed through Freak Weather conditions.
The most recent (30+ years ago) occurred just after my marriage.
my "young wife reminded me she married me because I was a DOER, so I just re-organized and jumped back in immediately.
In a few years we had replaced our more secure lifestyle and enjoyed security again.
Believing in self and the belief of those surrounding you is a powerful tool to OWN you own destiny
Nov 30th 2012 03:07   
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