Work from Home Group

Path to your success...

by Bob C. Health & Wellness Coach
Bob C. Senior   Health & Wellness Coach
Good morning everyone,

How many different Home Business attempts have you made on your path to finding success?

Share your might just help someone as they struggle to find a path to their success.

Have a great day!
Jun 26th 2007 05:29

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Coletha Browning Senior   Runner Blogger
This has been a wonderful and somewhat exhausting experience for me. I went from someone who wanted to generate an extra income online to someone who is a part of almost every social network out there. Really I have been trying to pace myself. I blame Veretekk. I joined Veretekk Silver and started generating real leads daily very quickly.

It's not really my goal to sound like a sales pitch or commercial. It's just that nothing has worked for me in the past. What attracted me was that I could use the system free forever and never pay a cent. My main goal was to generate leads so I would have individuals to present my offers to. More happened...once I saw how well the system worked I was hooked and upgraded. I decided I wanted Veretekk Gold as a business too. I don't upgrade often, most of the resources I use are FREE accounts. If I see it works, then I am tempted to pay for it. I am not real concerned if my subscribers upgrade. Why, because I have their names and I can offer them other products they may find interesting, but truth be told if they don't upgrade someone in their line will.

It's a win-win situation. It doesn’t matter if an individual uses a paid account or a free. Don’t get me wrong there are always perks to the paid account that you don’t get with the free. The point is both generate excellent leads, and both offer unlimited resources. If you want to learn more about Veretekk check out my link below and look at the FREE for LIFE Silver package.

I mention it because of all the training I have gotten since joining. I have learned more about SEO than I wanted to, but I will admit I am still very much a student. I have started my own blog, although it needs more content, I am working on writing eZine articles. I have made great contacts, not to mention I have developed premium leads. It gets scary just figuring out what to do with the names I get, but I am working on it.
Jun 27th 2007 23:50   
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