Traffic Leads To Income

I received my Doctorate upgrade.

by Michael Camire Internet Marketing At Its Best!
Michael Camire Committed   Internet Marketing At Its...
So excited - received my Doctorate upgrade this afternoon - this is really awesome. I was awarded the Doctorate from Janet Legere for bringing in the most number of referrals into the PG programs for the month of May. I use all of the PG programs daily to help build my list and promote my sites. The Prospect Geyser programs by Janet Legere all can be found in the downline builder of TL2I. WOW -- a little bit of action each day reaps great rewards.
Jun 5th 2012 20:28

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Rob Gehring Advanced  Owner of RobsNetworkers and TrafficLeads2Income've done a great job Michael and definitely deserving of the Doctorate Status.
Jun 9th 2012 06:29   
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