A More Perfect Union

We need a new breed of people in the white house, people that do what they say!!!

by Stephen Hall Videographer / NLP Consultant
Stephen Hall Advanced   Videographer / NLP Consultant
If I had my way we would have a board of people instead of a president it would be like a corporation, and shareholders or us citizens could decide on where the money goes.and what plans get approved and disapproved... What quality of life is all about not just making money for themselves but for the whole country and sharing the wealth as the US grows back to financial giant it once was and cam become again... With the right choices and values upheald !!! Read more on my blog...see the video too... where does our money go ?
May 24th 2012 03:02

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Roosevelt Evans III Professional   Home Business Entrepreneur
Thanks for your input to this group, Stephen. Essentially a "board of people" is what the the President, Congress and Supreme Court functions as according to the Constitution. "Sharing the wealth" is not something the government should enforce but rather individual moral conscience. Government cannot legislate morality.
May 24th 2012 06:24   
Stephen Hall Advanced   Videographer / NLP Consultant
The main problem in our government is the people in it don't have to follow the same rules the set for us... They don't pay taxes, like we do, they have set up their own medical coverage and want us to have social medicine like canada and they get paid after they retire plus get money for books they write about their life in the government. Most of them don't do what we need done they do what gives them more money in the long run...
They promise as the get elected but are controlled by the rich by donations to get them elected in the first place...They do as the rich tell them is needed not the people who trusted them to make the changes we want !!!
May 24th 2012 12:16   
Roosevelt Evans III Professional   Home Business Entrepreneur
Brother, you ain't never lied! Federal government politicians are definitely "Fat Cats". Rick Perry had the right idea about making Senators and Congressman part time like state legislators, in my opinion.
May 24th 2012 18:05   
Elizabeth Wesley Committed   AdvertisingbyCowgirls.com
I think we need less government and more people running our great nation. The government is too big. Over half of our country somehow works for the government. That is too much.
May 29th 2012 03:52   
Roosevelt Evans III Professional   Home Business Entrepreneur
Very good point, Liz! The founding Fathers envisioned a limited federal government that didn't needlessly intervene in the People's lives.
May 29th 2012 07:06   
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