Voice of a Well-Scarred Marketer

Please DON'T Join My Downline!

by Dave Cottrell Internet Marketing Professional
Dave Cottrell Professional   Internet Marketing...
How many downlines are you in? Are you doing anything in any of them?

Think about this question as you build your downline(s).

There are so many opportunities out there today. However, there are only so many you can successfully work.

For example; I used to very high quality boats. (Visit http://coastalcraft.com to see some of them). I, and the people that I worked with, put a great deal of care and time into the boats we built. We had to in order to build the kind of superior quality that the company is known for.

Now just imagine we decided to build cars, houses, wagons, kids toys, jewelry, and snowmobiles, while running a grocery store, pharmacy and a couple of hospitals...

Sounds insane, doesn't it? Of course, none of our businesses would run very well, nor would the products we made be very good. However, this is exactly what most people are doing online.

While there are a lot of over-hyped, downright terrible programs out there, there are a lot of good ones. It is easy to get trapped into joining every potentially good business opportunity or traffic generating program that you see, but you just can't promote them all!

Do you want to be successful? Do you want to get traffic and sell products and/or your opportunities?

You've got to pick a few winners and run with them, or you're just going to get very frustrated. Believe me; I have been there!

The traffic part is easy. Since most of the traffic from all the start page and click programs is really not well targeted, it isn't worth your time to try to market a whole bunch of different programs. Join a few rotator programs and just promote them. You'll save a whole bunch of time and you'll get a lot more sign-ups.

I recommend one program we use: Traffic Hoopla Join it, join the programs listed in it, and then use them to promote Traffic Hoopla until you have a good downline in several programs. Don't waste your time clicking on one program after another to rack up hits; it's not very effective and it'll soon drive you crazy!

Join online communities! This is by far the best way to get started. You'll meet a lot of new people, some of whom have a lot of successful marketing experience already and who are glad to help new entrepeneurs get started. I recommend Adlandpro, Direct Matches, Ryze, and Busy Bee Community Forums. Don't use communities as a place to promote your wares; you can add a signature file at the end of your posts, but communities are a place to get to know people, to learn, and to find like-minded people who want to network with you. Be patient, and you'll be far ahead of the rest much sooner than you think!

Don't join every new bizzop that you come across - no matter how good it looks! The vast majority of online entrepeneurs do this, and that is why the vast majority of online entrepeneurs are not making a dime.

This is also why your downlines (if you have any) probably suck.

(If you have one good downline in one good program, congratulations! You are already on your way to success!)

Downlines are not that hard to develop. Good downlines are a LOT more difficult to develop.

That is why I say, "Please don't join my business if you don't intend to do anything! I don't WANT you in my downline if you don't want to work!"

You are far better off to have a small dedicated downline than a large, dead downline. You want to have a downline that you can communicate with and build a relationship with.

When someone joins your business, contact them immediately and welcome them. Offer your support. Ask them to join your opt-in mailing list. I do this now and wish I had always done so.

Most people who sign up in my downline do not even reply to my email. Very few ever reply. You know what? That's GREAT!! With one simple email, I weed out the vast majority of the deadwood in my downline. I don't want them, I don't worry about losing them, and I'm happy I don't have to waste any time trying to work with them. That gives me much more time to work with the people who are really serious about their future.

There is a reason why so few people answer my email. They are the people who are joining far too many programs and businesses to ever be able to succeed with any of them. They promote one program for a day or so, don't make any money, find another program that promises a quick return and join it, and continue on the same way ad nauseum. They are like the gerbil - just spinning their wheels and going nowhere. Until they stop and choose one really solid, lasting business to work with, they won't make any money.

Is this you? Stop it!! Choose a real business and start working. There is no other way. And please don't join MY business unless you plan to drop the others and run with mine! (OK - I'll let you keep a few if you can handle it!)

If you are finding your downline frustrating and ineffective, don't worry about it. Keep meeting new people and developing new relationships.

If the people in your downline are sitting on their duffs and are not interested in working with you, forget them! Their interests are not the same as yours, and you will never develop much of a relationship with them.

Do work on developing your downline. But build a solid downline of people who want to work with you. These people will become your friends over time. They take time to find, but the time is well spent. Not all of them will succeed and some of them will quit, but some will stay and succeed and so will you.

Best of all, you will make lifetime friendships. You can't put a price tag on that.

God bless,

May 21st 2007 22:43

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Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
David my wise friend..

Your sagacity never ceases to amaze me.

We had a very successful young man on our Podcast this everning. A
school teacher who loves his work.

He Concetrates on a simple, non-sophisticated, almost mundane Home-based business and has been at 6 figures for the past three years...

His advice, pick something Fun, alloocate xx hours a day, same time and HAVE FUN

"Choose a real business and start working"

Take Massive Action and understand the basics of Business......not some pap spread by Charlatans...

Business principles have not change over the past 47 years I have been Marketing...

Just better TOOLS & SYSTEMS

"But build a solid downline of people who want to work with you."

Build relationships first, Give what you want and all will come to pass.

You know we always leave with the Invite to all tto Download our episodes of the Think & Grow Rich Focus Society..
Find out how this Book has affected the lives of PEOPLE Today...


Keep up the Good work, David.

The Marketing World needs more like you to bring sanity to this
foolishness on the Internet...

"you will make lifetime friendships. You can't put a price tag on that."

AMEN, my friend

May 21st 2007 23:12   
Dave Cottrell Professional   Internet Marketing Professional
Hi Chuck,

It's good to see you here! You are one of the few who really knows what he's talking about!

Your young teacher friend most likely has a lot of friends, because he has been a friend to many to achieve his level of success. I was just telling someone today that if he doesn't care about others, he will never succeed in marketing. (or make any friends!)

God bless,

May 24th 2007 02:51   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Dave

Sorry for the delay in posting a reply, although I did read the post yesterday.

I could not agree more with you about the jumping from program to program. I see it all the time getting invites to several different programs from the same person in the same day.

I refer to this type of action as chasing the Dragon. Just like the Mythical Dragon the "Earn millions doing nothing" does not exist, but because of the overwhelming amount of hype and Big RED font size 6 headlines people see it over and over and eventually get brainwashed into believing it.

They forget to look at the fine print that says "earnings disclaimer" hidden away right down at the bottom of the page in font size 1.
May 24th 2007 03:13   
Rebecca Beasley Committed   Consultant, Web Designer, Script Set Up
Hi Chuck, fancy meeting you here;)
This is what social networks are all about.
What you give away always comes back at least
one fold, sometimes two, sometimes ten!
What we do for others, someone does for us.
So if you want to be successful, follow success,
then duplicate it and help someone else to become
rich, then you'll find that your success will come right
If you don't like getting ads from people, then don't
send people ads. Most people are hungry for real
genuine people who aren't just out to line their pockets
or put your into their downlines. Do the unexpected.
Do unto others AS you would have them do unto you.

You want people to look at your sites? So look at theirs.
You like comments? Make comments.
You like people reading your e-mails? Read theirs.
Do what they want you to do and they'll do what you
want THEM to do. It works like a charm.


May 26th 2007 03:20   
Dave Cottrell Professional   Internet Marketing Professional
Hi Bj,

Re: font size 1....

Joe B just directed our attention the other day to a site that really has an innovative approach to baffling its visitors with Brown Sugar... Print the privacy statement and refund policies, etc., in very light gray on a white background.

What they didn't consider is the possibility that some snoopy meanie like me would come along, highlight their light gray text so I could read it. Hmmmm... interesting... they actually don't give refunds for any reason....

If people really want to be successful, they need to first do their due diligence, and then really go the extra mile to help others and always in a completely ethical and upright manner.

God bless,

May 26th 2007 03:46   
Sarah Pritchard Professional   CEO, Angel Cuddle Publishing
Hello Dave,

It's me again.

I joined your group as I find your info so useful.

I have to admit that I found that I'd joined too many programs.

I have been hard on myself and chosen the ones that I'm going to focus on and work on. In that way, I should get better results as I won't be spreading myself too thin.

I've decided also to concentrate more on my writing and work on programs around that. Writing is my passion and if you are passionate about something then you are successful because your passion flows out from you to others, like the sun's rays. I don't know about you, but when I feel the sun's rays I feel good and gain energy and enthusiasm......

Must get on!

Best wishes,

Sarah P
May 27th 2007 04:43   
Dave Cottrell Professional   Internet Marketing Professional
Hi Sarah,

Rather than thinking in terms of having joined too many programs, think, instead, of all the really great research you've been doing!

As someone who loves to write (like myself!), all your experiences are a grand bouquet of words and ideas just waiting to be shared with the world!

I fully understand a passion for writing, and encourage you to do what you love. That, in itself, is a mark of success.

God bless,

Jun 9th 2007 04:12   
Bj Burgess Advanced  Consultant
Hi Dave

I know I'm not new to some of you, but I am new to Apsense. I have read your post and I do agree on anyone getting involved with so many programs they can't keep up with them.

I did this at first, but I found the ones I know that I can make work, and promote it.

My biggest thing is all these Pre-Launch programs they have, you join Free and they promise all these thousands of Dollars you are going to make. But it doesn't work out that way.

The first one I joined, now wants $2400 to be on the top with the big dogs, so to speak. And I surely don't have $2400 to be throwing around hoping this is the opportunity for me. And hope I can get my money back and then some.

I soon joined another, and you really don't hear anything from them. Nothing but recruit, recruit, of which I did 51 to be exact. But I don't hear anything, no updates, nothing to give me a clue as to exactly what it is I'm suppose to be doing, except recruit.

What bothers me the most about all this, is I have a group of followers, and they signup right behind me. I'm in the dark, they are in the dark, and we've all been running around recruiting...For What??

So, until I see some actually proof of something, that it's legit and I can make money, I'm sticking with the 2 main business' I have going, and wish everyone else good luck on all these pre-launch programs or any other business they have.

Just my little input here, hope this doesn't offend anyone.

Bj Burgess

Jun 10th 2007 20:29   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Bj
This seems to be the latest trick out there get people in on a promise in a pre launch, have them recruit and tell thenothing. They really dont care if you drop out, why should they you did all that work and some may stay in so they are happy about that.

I am in a pre launch right now and they keep telling me promote I have told them until i get some information to promote with I am not doing it, I am not working my tail off to build their numbers just to find that I cant stay in once the info is released. I cant even find out what the product is.

No info no work that simple.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques
Jun 10th 2007 23:51   
Dave Cottrell Professional   Internet Marketing Professional
Hi Bj Burgess!

(Wow! Both my Bj friends in one place! lol!)

Pre-launches are one thing I steer clear of. I sometimes do sign up for a pre-launch just to see what is being hawked, but do not promote them.

If no one is willing to tell me anything about their business, I won't tell anyone, either!

There are some great, lasting, solid, established business opportunities out there that will still be good years from now, and that lay everything out clearly right up front.

The only ingredient missing in most of the good opportunities is a willingness to actually work by the people who sign up for them.

God bless,

Jun 11th 2007 02:55   
Dave Cottrell Professional   Internet Marketing Professional
Hi Bj (Bill Brown),

I like your little motto: "No info - no work - that simple."

Good one!

God bless,

Jun 11th 2007 02:57   
Margaret Elmendorf Senior   
Hi Dave, I sure do like this idea of not doing so much. I have been thinking the back of my head that I should just concentrate on one or two things and not so much. One could spend 24 hours a day on the computer just surfing and trying to get traffic, and usually you get nothing.
Anyway, thanks for all the good ideas. And Chuck, I really like your story about the guy that did one thing and made all kinds of money.
Jul 1st 2007 13:20   
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