Writing & Selling eBooks Online

What's your propostion?

by Diane C. Self-confidence for women
Diane C. Committed   Self-confidence for women
Can you improve someone's credit score?
Help them find their soul mate in 21 days?
Do you help them do something they don't know how to do?

When you write your eBook you need to decide what your propostion is. Some that are down online is

Get your ex back
Catch em and keep em
Deliver pizza in 30 minutes or its free!

With a strong propostion you can help sell your eBook.
Mar 13th 2012 10:19

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Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe   Founder
Yes, how to find a good topic for your ebook is critical important. do you have any good ideas?
Mar 13th 2012 10:23   
Diane C. Committed   Self-confidence for women
How do you focus on finding a strong propostion for an ebook?

Make a promise that your eBook will deliver

Time scales work well because people are interested in the title
"Change your credit score in 24 hours or less"

I think we have to look at titles that do sell well and try and see what it is about the title that makes it so.

When I look at some of the books on my book shelf

"Multiple Streams of Internet Income - How ordinary people make extraordinary money online"

That's a fantastic title because it tells me

1. There is more than one way to make money online
2. Ordinary people are doing it
3. The potential to earn large amounts of money is possible.


"Sell yourself rich - your proven path to financial freedom"

This one tells me I can sell what I know and that I can achieve financial freedom selling what I know AND this product has the proven path to help me do that.


"Feel the fear and do it anyway"
This one tells me that I will feel fear but I will be able to go ahead and do what it is I think I am too afraid to do.

When a person knows their topic and they know their market. They understand how their eBook can sell it will help them come up with a great title.

Nowadays with the internet it also helps if the eBook contains a keyword. Mine don't always but when I promote them in a blog post I make sure the title of the blog post does.
Mar 13th 2012 10:42   
Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe   Founder
How to find a generic topic of an eBook? nothing to do with making money. I think the niche topic will get more sales. do you agree?
Mar 13th 2012 10:45   
Diane C. Committed   Self-confidence for women
Yes, as long as it appeals to the people who are searching and they find your ebook then that helps. I must try and stay away from the "make money online" because I know there are more powerful topics - they were just the first ones I saw on my book shelf :-)

Dog training - Stop your boxer puppy chewing your shoes in under two days

Natural beauty - Easy and natural steps to getting rid of adult acne FOREVER

As long as we appeal to the person searching for information it will sell.

My three best selling eBooks are on

The power of using affirmations - how to write and use affirmations to build self confidence

and also on assertiveness

A beginners guide to assertiveness - the art of respectfully getting your own way


51 ways to ask for what you want (and get it every time)

As long as you know your niche, finding a topic that will appeal to them is the next focus.
Mar 13th 2012 10:52   
Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe   Founder
Yes, will you market research before making descion on the new book topic? I am interested in co-publishing or group publishing. Does it change the way to find an ebook topic?
Mar 13th 2012 10:58    Edited in Mar 13th 2012 11:01
Diane C. Committed   Self-confidence for women
Yes, I market research before I start writing. Something comes into my head then I do some research. Or sometimes people have said something. For instance on a forum I used to belong to women were talking about how hard it is to say no and also how hard it is to ask for what they want. So my very first ebook - 51 ways - was actually just for them but other women have enjoyed reading it.

Co publishing doesn't change anything. I was always told to "find the hungry fish" - the pool of people who are searching for what you are going to write about. Ultimately the keyword research that is done is important.

It can be a balance between being creative/funny with your title and sticking to a keyword sometimes. Its for the writer to decide.
Mar 13th 2012 11:15   
Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe   Founder
Thanks for your sharing. It's really interesting discussion in ebook writing.
Mar 13th 2012 11:18   
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