work at home

Do your homework, for your sake

by Goran Sujansky
Goran Sujansky Advanced  
Reading through the posts, one cannot but see a vast variety of businesses people promote. What I have learned is an important fact to care about. Before you join or promote anything, do your homework and investigate on the company, products and founders. This is so important. Do not believe just what you read on the company website.

How many marketeers you know that are jumping from one business to another,
because the previous that they have so fervently promoted, has gone with the wind? Have you ever been hit with a 50 kg hammer when you awakened one day just to find out that your business is no more. Lost everything you worked so hard for? Lost you money, people and freinds you talked to on this dissapointed, ruined relationships. Leaves a sour taste in your mouth.

So, before you make a decision to go out and promote something, beware that you are putting your good name behind this. Get all facts, visit the company, talk to the people, search the Internet. Think on the long terms. Think product wise. For example, if your product is tech product, ask yourself, how long it will stay unique. Will the competition bring better one and ruin my business. Look how wel the company takes care of law compliance.

Best success,

Jun 16th 2007 02:06

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Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Thanks for this. I have put my name behind a company that I will see be brought down if all their negative posts are true..and btw I can't get out of it...I have tried to delete and there is no WAY!
Scammers are seeking revenge on the FREE FREE FREE
it may be FREE...but they have you supporting them in there scheme of things
so far
Stick to the real thing.....talking to REAL people from places like APSENSE....:0)

Please talk to me if you joined my site and paid in. I really don't think anyone has paid in...just a tactic to get me to pay for their promises....but again...let me know!

Jun 16th 2007 02:23   
James L. Professional  Advertiser
Thanks for the information! I will keep it in mind when I surf the net!

Jun 16th 2007 02:39   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi Goran,

Good advice for everyone - whether they are new to network marketing or not - the same rules apply online and offline, when it comes to business

I believe that the following quote from your article should be written in Stone!!!

"Before you join or promote anything, do your homework and investigate on the company, products and founders. This is so important. Do not believe just what you read on the company website."

You re just underlining the age old cry - DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE.

I would place special emphasis on two of your comments! WHAT product is your business marketing? Is it as good as they tell you? A business without a strong and credible product wont last long. and then you will have to face your own downline with the explanations, as well as your bank manager!

And secondly - DONT RELY ON THE COMPANY'S OWN PUBLICITY OR PR MATERIAL - of course it is only going to tell you what they want you to hear - they are not going to tell you that it is a load of advertising baloney are they?! lol and dont forget that the controls on what is said in advertising on the Web are far less effective than in offline business.

Thanks for this forum

Jun 16th 2007 06:42   
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