Ethics in business

Ethics and non-ethical consequences

by Luis Figueroa Independent Entrepreneur
Luis Figueroa Committed   Independent Entrepreneur
With ethics you will build a business that will last as long as you keep your ethical behaviours. Businesses that have not being ethical tend to fail at the long or short term and we have seeing this trend with many online businesses and scams. An ethical etiquette is very important for the entrepreneur that is building up a business and sometimes completing that goal will take time, so patience is very important for it.
Mar 3rd 2012 22:35

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
People need to learn what is ethical and what is not. Too many people base the idea of ethics on how many people are promoting/making money off of a business. Profit does not equal ethical or even legal.
Mar 4th 2012 07:48   
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