just been paid

just been paid means just been paid

by Dr Shabir hassan networking
Dr Shabir hassan Professional   networking
JustBeenPaid! (JBP) and its related programs operate in accordance with United States Patent 6,578,010 (now public domain).

You Can Start with Just $10 and Turn It into a Fortune! With our Pay-It-Forward System You Get "$10 Free Money" to Get You Started at No Cost!

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You Can Overcome the Obstacles that Prevent about 98% of Wannabe Online Moneymakers from Succeeding!

Are you frustrated and wondering why it's been such a struggle to make money online -- trying one failed program after another?
Have you experienced so much rejection and failure that you think you'll never escape from your boring or dead-end job?
Have you become disgusted because your sponsoring efforts haven't worked, you've received no "spillover," and you just feel like giving up?
If Some of the Above Applies to You, then It's Not Your Fault! Most Money-Promising Programs Are Designed So the "Top 2%" Make the Money, but the "Bottom 98%" Don't Have a Chance!

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This is the "98% Solution!"
Mar 2nd 2012 23:21

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Dr Don Yates Sr PhD Magnate III Premium   Entrepreneur, Mentor, Advisor, CEO
Hello friends, great to be here with you, my best to you and the group, Thanks for the invite Dr
Mar 3rd 2012 03:17   
Dr Shabir hassan Professional   networking
i joined list joe through your link what is your advice how should i start
Mar 3rd 2012 10:58   
Dr Don Yates Sr PhD Magnate III Premium   Entrepreneur, Mentor, Advisor, CEO
Thank you friend for joining us, As soon as you sign in- There is a post "I Joined! Now What?" I would start there and get familiar with the site
Mar 3rd 2012 19:54   
Dr Don Yates Sr PhD Magnate III Premium   Entrepreneur, Mentor, Advisor, CEO
This groups is about Just been paid, wouldn't it be nice if members stuck to the subject, rather than introducing new programs, we have other groups for such posts
Mar 3rd 2012 22:22   
Dr Shabir hassan Professional   networking
that is very true we should discuss just been paid here only
Mar 4th 2012 06:58   
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