Natural, Green, Organic Online Store Owners

How many products is just too much?

by Barbara Eyre
Barbara Eyre Advanced  
Whether your inventory is supplied via dropshippers or you buying the products, inventory can be in constant flux.

It takes time to upload products images, type out descriptive and informative product info, and track the product's performance.

How many products are too many? When do you say, "I think I have enough products loaded onto my store."?

My store has around 900 products and still have easily another 100-200 products to load.

What are your guidelines for product additions?

How long do you keep a product in your store before you decide whether it is a performer or not (views vs sales) ?

What tips and suggestions do you have concerning inventory management.

~ Barb
Jun 15th 2007 12:55

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Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi Barbara

You have asked a very good question.

For the answer depends on whether youar e just drop shipping (i.e. have no financial obligation to the producer) ior whether you are buying or even producing yuor own products.

I cannot comment on the first one, but if you are buying or producing your won products - i go for a smaller but carefully selected range of products. I have my own site ( and sell the angels we hand paint from it. I also use a couple of ecommerce sites.

If we have too many items listed - we also have to carry them all in stock - which involves money and space. So we limit the number of products we have in our Web and in the e commerce sites to those items we can supply relatively fast.

This way we can give good customer service

I think it is a good idea to add new items on a regular basis and also to take off those that really are not in demand - or put them on sale! Change is always good for repeat business.

Just my thoughts


Jun 15th 2007 13:22   
Barbara Eyre Advanced   

Very good thoughts, indeed! *grins*

For now, my store is stocked via drop shippers ... hence why I add a lot of products.

However, one downfall of that, is that I have to keep up with the dropshippers inventory ... a few of which change on a weekly basis. Many items are out of stock or discontinued. I have to make sure I have their latest inventory listing and that my store reflects such.

When I first opened, I didn't realize how fast inventory fluctuated at one vendor and I received an order for something that was discontinued. Boy, was I embarrassed!

My store is still young and am working to build a steady flow of sales. Once that becomes a reality, I will start to buy the inventory and ship it myself. I need to wait for 2 reasons. First, I dont' have the capital to buy the inventory right now. And second, I get to see what items are most viewed/sold ... that way I can buy what is in demand. Save a bit on guess-work.


Jun 16th 2007 15:45   
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