Squidoo Virus

Hello all!

by Jay Shaffstall
Jay Shaffstall Advanced  
I also use Squidoo. I'm fairly new to it, but must be doing something right since one of my lenses was recently named Lens of the Day.

I also have a group for Squidoo users here on Apsense, called Squidooers.

Hope to hear from all of you!

Take care,
May 21st 2007 14:39

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Kowgirl Advanced   

I too am a Squidooer I have 4 and I am about to add another one.

Congratulations on your Lens of the day.

I have yet to enter any of mine.

But 2 of my 4 got #4 and #8 at Google.
I love to squidoo

See ya' later

May 21st 2007 15:01   
Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe   Founder
Hi, Jay
Could you explain what is Squidoo?

May 21st 2007 15:05   
Jay Shaffstall Advanced   

This seems to be a question I'm getting asked a lot lately. Here's the answer I've evolved.

Squidoo is a page creation website that makes it trivially easy to create single web pages focused on a topic. You can liken it to Google Pages, but with a social aspect. Squidoo pages can be part of groups of similar pages, get ratings, etc.

I see Squidoo's main advantages being:

1) Automatic SEO page optimization for keywords (you still do keyword research and write keyword rich content, but you don't fiddle with HTML).

2) Google likes Squidoo pages, so they generally rank highly for search engine results in only a couple of days after being written.

3) You don't need to sign up for affiliate programs, just use the Squidoo modules, such as the Amazon or Ebay modules.

The way most people are using Squidoo is as a feeder for other websites, to take advantage of Squidoo's Google juice. The amount of profit you make from the profit sharing aspect is quite small.

Now, if you hit on a popular topic that you can use affiliate sales for, you can make quite a bit more on Squidoo (haven't managed that myself yet).

So, if you have your own aged domain and are good at SEO, there's probably no advantage to using Squidoo.

On the other hand, having two points of entry to your web site in search results is not a bad thing. Your website and your Squidoo page could both be appearing in the top 10 Google search results.

Hope that helps,
May 21st 2007 19:13   
Jay Shaffstall Advanced   

Actually, I never entered my lens in the lens of the day group. It came to their attention some other way. So just concentrate on making great lenses, and you never know what might happen!

May 21st 2007 19:37   
Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe   Founder
hi, Jay

Thanks for your explaination of Squidoo.

Could you show me one example of Squidoo site ?

May 21st 2007 21:38   
Jay Shaffstall Advanced   

My [url=http://www.squidoo.com/kidsrpg/]Roleplaying with Kids[/url] is an example of a Squidoo page.

May 23rd 2007 09:55   
Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe   Founder
thanks, Jay
May 23rd 2007 10:03   
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