Daily Tune Up With Yehuda Berg

Mastering the Course Friday December 9, 2011 Before we can live in this world in a meaningful way, we must rid ourselves of the image that we are...

by Carol Jacobs Money Keeps Coming To Me
Carol Jacobs Committed   Money Keeps Coming To Me
Mastering the Course

Friday December 9, 2011

Before we can live in this world in a meaningful way, we must rid ourselves of the image that we are helpless, and imagine ourselves as masters of the course of our lives.
Dec 9th 2011 18:11

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Roosevelt Evans III Professional   Home Business Entrepreneur
In the absolute sense we are not "master's of our Fate" but in the relative sense we are. Some things we can change and control, some things we can't.We cannot absolutely control out thoughts and feelings. We do have absolute control over what thoughts and feelings we choose to hold on to.
Dec 9th 2011 18:19   
Carol Jacobs Committed   Money Keeps Coming To Me
Imagination is the key:)
Dec 10th 2011 07:54   
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