Webmasters Zone

Send me One Million FREE Guaranteed Visitors Add this simple HTML snippet to your webpage and a new browser window (loaded with your FreeViral page!) ...

by Viktor(Buratino) Z. School of eBusiness
Viktor(Buratino) Z. Magnate II   School of eBusiness
Send me One Million FREE Guaranteed Visitors
Add this simple HTML snippet to your webpage and a new browser window (loaded with your FreeViral page!) will open, BEHIND your visitor's main browser window. Their visit to your website will not be interrupted!

Later, they will notice the extra browser window when they eventually take a close look at their Windows task bar (along the bottom of their screen). ...or they'll see the new browser window when they close their main browser window.

Pop-behinds work GREAT. We suggest that you add this to your site... and it's easy. In addition, you can still place a banner ad and/or textlink to your main website any time.

Here is an example of how the top of an HTML page would look, with these items properly inserted:

My Website Title Here!
Oct 31st 2011 07:47

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