My Favourite Music

I wonder if they ever forgot where they came from?

by Don Dousharm Entrepreneur, Publisher
Don Dousharm Committed   Entrepreneur, Publisher
I wonder if they ever forgot where they came from?
Oct 19th 2011 13:09

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Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I don't know that song very much. What do you mean with your comment?
Oct 19th 2011 19:32   
Don Dousharm Committed   Entrepreneur, Publisher
The Beatles where the most powerful band to ever form. They were all close friends through the 60s. When Paul split in the 70s he became an outcast. I would say in the eyes of the brotherhood he did an unspeakable act but I think he had good reason with Yoko stuck up John's butt constantly and George acting like Paul was the big brother trying to be controlling. I think all this became unbarrible for Paul and he decided to walk away with the attempt to make them realize that they all need each other but it blew up in his face and didn't have the impact he had hoped. Revolver was the last album they recorded together that still showed them as friends and the reason for my statement.
Oct 20th 2011 03:48   
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