Tobacco Road

As promised I did get more pictures posted to my Tobacco Road Album - There is a description for all but I could not put them in order.

by Patty d. Promotor OJS
Patty d. Senior   Promotor OJS
As promised I did get more pictures posted to my Tobacco Road Album - There is a description for all but I could not put them in order.
Jul 29th 2011 02:12

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Don Dousharm Committed   Entrepreneur, Publisher
Awesome pictures Pattyde, Out of curiosity how big is the plot you guys are planting on? It looks pretty big.
Jul 29th 2011 05:57   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
The plot is the right word? Forgive me, I didn't know that meaning for the word
Jul 29th 2011 07:31   
Don Dousharm Committed   Entrepreneur, Publisher
A plot of land is a body of land sectioned off for a specific use Philippe. Forgive us down home country folk... Lol. That will be allot of tobacco don't you think?
Jul 29th 2011 07:41   
Patty d. Senior   Promotor OJS
We call ours a field because it really is a alfalfa field. We took approx. 100' x 25-30' section from it for the tobacco. We can plant 100 plants in each row there are 10 rows. We lost 1/3 of the crop to having to stay in the little cups indoors too long (waiting for outside weather) So if we plant again next year we will plant a month or two later.
Jul 29th 2011 21:02   
Patty d. Senior   Promotor OJS
Don, they say the average smoker smokes 17 lbs. per year, so that is all that you would need to grow for yourself. Couldn't tell you how many plants that is lol You can check for answers over at the forum where the free seeds come from. It is very large and has many seasoned growers with tips etc. They probably even know the answer to your question about being taxed if non commercial.
Jul 29th 2011 21:05   
Patty d. Senior   Promotor OJS
One of the videos says that 250 plants is enough for two smokers (that smoke an average pack a day) 1 year supply.

8-4 Today I almost finished weeding my smaller contained area and harvested 49 bottom leaves. Posted new pictures to album
Aug 4th 2011 20:09   
Patty d. Senior   Promotor OJS
Well the first 20 harvested bundle of bottom leaves have done their metamorphosis and now smell like tobacco! At this point they may be shredded and smoked without aging but are said to be bitter and a bit harsh. So, next will be stacks of 20 piled on top of each other (when others are ready) and left to age in a dry ventilated out of the sun area.
Aug 11th 2011 17:26   
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