How Can You Earn an Income On the Internet

I think one problem with Internet sales is people tend to focus too heavily on re-distribution and re-distribution of content (pyramid style) rather t...

by Michael Karpeles
Michael Karpeles Junior
I think one problem with Internet sales is people tend to focus too heavily on re-distribution and re-distribution of content (pyramid style) rather than affiliating or producing valuable content.

Making money online is very similar to making money in person. The only difference is accessibility. Online, there are many mediums you can leverage to reach target customers. The three main factors you should consider are (1) is the market hot, (2) is my product unique enough, (3) how do I find the right customers.
Jul 23rd 2011 21:40

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Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
You nailed that one Michael. If anyone would first spend time and draw up a Business plan and strategy, including cash flow projection and budget, then invest TIME researching the MARKET,.....
and apply massive action, THEIR BANKS ACCOUNTS WOULD GROW!
Jul 24th 2011 18:04   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
I agree Michael and Chuck. It comes down to treating it like a business. That involves research, DD, a business plan and, dare I say it, WORK
Jul 24th 2011 18:11   
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