Ethics in business

What is "Ethics" in business? Is it a code of behaviour or conduct or is it an ingrained honesty of intent of the business in being of real value f...

by Vps Malhotra Free Lancer
Vps Malhotra Magnate II   Free Lancer
What is "Ethics" in business?
Is it a code of behaviour or conduct or is it an ingrained honesty of intent of the business in being of real value for the services or products on the offer inclusive of the profit embeded in the the offer?
The businesses revolve around the PROFIT without IT there is no business .Now there are laws in all countries to take care of the Criminal activities may be that be business or other sphere of activity
How would you rate the events surrounding Lehmans Brothers and the bail out pakage doled out to them leading to eventual trigger to the perputuating recession world over ? Was it Ethical both ways ?
Without entering into arguements and taking any sides or positions the word Ethical has many overtones Bribe is unethical but businesses donot run without it world over where big deals are made even through corporates or through Govts . This may be turmed as uethical and corrupt practice but it is the order of the day whether we tend to acknowledge it or not All scams are unethical .We in India are after Grabbing scamsters
Saying this I do not intend to demean the need for the ethical conduct on the internet which is full of 97% scams ,cheats ,fraudesters and Hype masters even the so called Gurus are not averse to hoodwink the gullible newbie or even veteran with all his so called goodies which would make one a millionaire overnight
The unethical conduct has to be firmly quelled !! Thanks for action
Jul 13th 2011 08:56

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Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
On the ethics of banks such as Lehman Brothers and their role in the recession the Clinton Urban Revitalization act bound them into the risky lending practices with a promise of backing from Fannie and Freddie. The Banks were promised at the time they were pushed into those practices by the government to be bailed out if the practices turned bad so the ethics issue is more on the FED which didn't offer a stern enough warning on the High Risk.

It could have been any business in any income bracket forced into bad practices by the government that could be villainized over the politics the well intentioned.

Ethics however are a commitment we make to stay within legal boundaries, to operate with honesty and respect for others, to be fair in competition and not take willful actions to violate the public trust. This process will not in any manner keep everyone happy, as you say there are profits to be made and not every employee will become a millionaire by retirement etc..
Jul 15th 2011 16:06   
Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
BTW I ran out of space above but do dispute the idea that not all scams are unethical. All SCAMS are unethical, to SCAM AKA Cheat, Steal, Defraud is not even close to good ethics. A demand for profits or even need of personal sustenance is not a justification for immoral, illegal behavior at the expense of others. There is not justifying the thieves of the world even if the thief is homeless. We never stole anything during our days of 4 to the bed of a pickup, to think it makes theft right is taking the easy way out. We worked our way out of the hole.
Jul 15th 2011 16:10   
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