Blogging Experts

My pmnet blog is getting to popular, spammers have found it, I want to know if Akismet is essential, or if there are free alternatives, Mark Hulmtgren...

by Philippe Moisan Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
My pmnet blog is getting to popular, spammers have found it, I want to know if Akismet is essential, or if there are free alternatives, Mark Hulmtgren ( MkWeb ) told me there are some, and he suggested using a capcha plug-in
Jul 7th 2011 14:47

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Abraham Van der Linde Committed   Online Entrepreneur
Hi Philippe.

In my opinion Akismet is absolutely essential. Couple it with a captcha plugin and your site will be more secure against spammers. But it is always good to moderate all the comments even the spam comments, because sometimes there are legitimate comments that can be marked as spam.

I hope this answer your question sufficiently.
Jul 8th 2011 07:09   
Sriram Raj Committed   Professional Blogger
Yes Philippe Abraham is right. Akismet alone can solve your problem. There are some plugins which can avoid people from some ip's. May be you can use them
Jul 9th 2011 05:01   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Ab, I intended to do just what you said regarding how to moderate the comments. Thanks for confirming it's the right thing to do. I will not use capcha for now
Jul 11th 2011 11:46   
Sue Br Senior   Web Designer & Online Marketer
I use a plugin called Bad Behavior in addition to Akismet free version
Sep 29th 2011 13:16   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
What does Bad Behavior do, Sue?
Sep 29th 2011 13:17   
Udo Hoffmann Magnate I   Erudite polymath
Philippe you may want to read this info to help block spam
Sep 29th 2011 14:38   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Thanks, Udo, I will check it out
Sep 29th 2011 19:04   
Sue Br Senior   Web Designer & Online Marketer
As far as Akismet is concerned. I have always just used the Akismet key from my account on my other wordpress self hosted blogs. Bad behaviour just adds another level of protection. I am not sure how it works but it catches things missed by Akismet.
Oct 12th 2011 08:41   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I do have a few comments to delete every day, I guess if my blog was as popular as yours, Sue, I would have more than a few LOL
Oct 12th 2011 10:22   
Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
I know they say the purpose of a blog is to be interactive so it builds relationships, but my experience is the only thing it builds is spam comments, so I REMOVE the ability to make comments altogether. I NEVER get any spam now.
Mar 1st 2012 17:05    Edited in Mar 2nd 2012 09:16
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Warren, I don't agree with the way you see it, but thanks for bringing the discussion up again, I had forgotten about some info written by other members :)
Mar 1st 2012 18:06   
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