
Business Network Ecademy

by Paula van Dun Retired
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Ecademy is a business network I discovered and joined today. I really was not planning too since I already several but this one seems promising.

It has many groups, both global and for specific countries. I found a Dutch one with default language Dutch where I hope to promote my Dutch APSense niche

I viewed several groups and threads before I decided to join. It was refreshing. About 90% was quality content.

I quess that is because the options are very limited for a free member. Only upgraded can post or comment so there is little pollution with the usual spam crap.

So I took the free trial for a week, it will become a paid subscription for 9.95 which is not much when I compare it to other business networks.

I think at the least I can learn a lot there and make some valuable new connections.
Apr 23rd 2011 07:54

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Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
So far I like it. High quality postings. Great network to get professional connections.
Apr 29th 2011 15:15   
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