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Why Most People Fail Online!

by Steve OHehir Online Marketer
Steve OHehir Senior   Online Marketer
There are lots of reasons that people fail online, but we will list the top 10 reasons here.

  1. People think that the program owners or upline should do all the work.
  2. People think its to hard to learn how to work online.
  3. People don't set aside enough time to work everyday.
  4. People don't really believe that they can make money online so they don't try.
  5. People are looking for a program to prove that it works for them before they try.
  6. People don't treat working online like a REAL JOB.
  7. People are looking for a program that works fast so if a program is slow growing
      they will jump out and look for something faster.
  8. People believe all the lies and hype of quick riches on pretty websites.
  9. People don't like to do the advertising it takes to build a list.
10. People want to make money online, but they don't want to work for it

I know that we have all been guilty of thinking one or more of these things at some time
during our internet endeavors but just so you know,

The TOP money makers online NEVER fall into one of these 10 failure traps.

The TOP MONEY MAKERS know that it takes work and patience to make a program work
for them and they work till they make it happen for themselves.
Apr 7th 2011 01:52

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Alo Hazel Innovator   Money Maker
Actually I can add 11th reason to this list.

11. Greed. When people finally see a cash coming in, even its few pennies, their greed takes over them, and they invest more and that is why they loose it more.
Apr 8th 2011 04:37   
Steve OHehir Senior   Online Marketer
thanks for your comment shadowflarez
Apr 8th 2011 06:12   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Really like this post. It is one of the few written with the intent to help others. Instead of another ad for the next best program. I consider reason 6 an important one. However without any business plan and some basic marketing skill it is almost impossible to build a successful business. Patience is an important one as well especially when you start from scratch with little funds.
Mar 6th 2012 06:07   
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