How Can You Earn an Income On the Internet

Do you earn FROM PPC

by James Woods Coach
James Woods Committed Coach
I am no expert when it comes to earning from PPC. Here is something I have started doing recently to determine if a niche/market is profitable.
1. Decide on the niche i want to investigate. This is normally something I am interested in.
2. I go to google and enter the name of the niche I want to examine.
3. I look at the results and determine how many competitors there area.
4. Then go to google keywords and search relevant key words checking volume levels.
5. If there is good volume for the selected key words then go back to google and open up competitor sites. 
6. I use a firefox plugin called kewordspy to allow me to see what keywords my competitors are using and how much they are paying.
7. Then I use a program called traffic travis to delve deeper into the competitor site and see exactly what they are doing.
8. Once I have this information I will then decide if it is profitable to enter the niche.
9. If yes I will then create a website based on the niche and using SEO build the placing of the site to front page in the search engines.

I hope this helps you in your earnings, if you have other ways of working please respond.
Mar 29th 2011 07:06

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Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Good article James, well displayed and good solid information.
Mar 29th 2011 09:00   
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