Makin Money Online

Makin Money The Easy Way Online

by Dallas Cousins
Dallas Cousins Advanced  
Learn How to make money on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Clickbank, Amazon, Blogger, Wordpress and Google Adwords without spending a dime. This is your free complete money making guide.

This is the guide everyone has been waiting for. Here you are going to learn all about makin money online. With unemployment being at the highest it's been in decades and so many people living paycheck to paycheck it could not have came at a better time!

  As I'm sure you already have learned there are millions of products out there that promise you millions of dollars if you just buy their product, then they want you to buy something else and then something else.

  Why do they take advantage of people this way? Because all they care about is makin money. They don't realize that if they truly want to make money they actually have to help people. That is one of the secrets of success "You can ave everything you want in life if you all you have to do is help enough other people get what they want"

   Think about it if you help someone and make them happy they are going to want to tell everyone about how much you helped them, if you cheat someone you make sure everyone knows how they cheated you. So as you see, helping people will make you 100 times more successful than those that cheat people.

  We are sick and tired of these scammers taking advantage of great people just like you. This is why we created this Makin Money Guide and giving you everything you need to make money on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Clickbank, Amazon, Blogger, Wordpress and Google Adwords without spending a dime.

After reading this article you will know exactly what steps to take to start makin money today. With that being said we are going to go into our first step to makin money.


Step 1- First sign up for a free Clickbank, or Amazon account

Step 2- Next we are going to have to do a little research. First  have to find a good niche that is in demand but that does not have  lot of competition. Once we decide on a good niche we need to find a good product in your chosen niche.

Step 3- Now we need to find a few good keywords that will help us rank high in the search engines. We are going to use the Google Keyword Tool to find these keywords. All you have to do is put words related to your product in then it will show you all the words related to the words you put in. It's going to show you how many searches each word gets a month, then it will show you either high, medium or low competition. We are going to be aiming for words that have a high amount of searches each month with low competition.

Step 4 - Next we are going to build a few blogs you can use blogger and wordpress. We want to create a blog that gets people excited about what you are promoting with your keywords.

  Once you have your blogger account created you are going to want to set up Google Adwords ad's on your blog. With Google Adwords every time someone that visits your site and they click on one of your ad's you will earn money.

Step 5 - So now we have our niche, our product, our keywords with high searches, low competition, our blogs, and google adwords wet up now it's time to start getting people to our blog. The best ways to do this is using Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Press releases and Articles.

First we will talk about Facebook and Twitter these are great social networks that get some people many visitors. All you have to do is post on your wall, and in the Facebook free ads, and tweet about your new product.

Step 6 - Makin Money and getting high rankings with Youtube, the best way to get first page rankings with not a lot of work is by making a great review video of the product you are offering. It's really easy using Windows movie maker. Just make sure you stick to your chosen keywords.

Step 7 - Press releases are one of the best ways to get first page in the search engines so now you have to go to work finding out a great way to make news out of your chosen product. To learn more about how to write press releases just do a google search with "How to write a Press Release" and you will get some good places that teach you exactly how to write a good press release.

Step 8 - Article Marketing is another great way to rank high in the search engines and help you get a ton of backlinks which also help your blog rank higher in the search engines. One of the best places to post articles is ezinearticles.

  The good news is there are some great automation software out that can help you post articles to thousands of sites with the click of a button. One of the best I have found so far is Article Marketing Robot This program lets you try them out for 5 days for free and submit your articles up to 500 sites on auto pilot

Google Sniper is a great course that teaches you some great ways to get first page rankings in the search engines even without adding any backlinks. This is a great course to help you start makin money without using press releases or articles.

Last but not least we have guru mastermind Jonathan Budd, This guy is amazing he went from zero to multi-millionaire hero in 2 years and his Online MLM Secrets Mastermind System has helped thousands of people just like you to build their own successful businesses online! Anything from this guru mastermind mentor is worth the investment, his work is absolutely amazing especially if you are just starting out in network marketing.

To learn more about Google Sniper, Article Marketing Robot, makin money online and guru mastermind Jonathan Budd go to and be prepared to be amazed
Mar 23rd 2011 06:02

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Maria Ewa Trzebińska Junior   metra16
Dużo propozycji, dla mnie nie zrozumiałych. Muszę to wszystko poznać najpierw, by cokolwiek uruchomić, a tym czasem dziękuję. Biorę się do do czytania i zapoznawania. Tu jest za darmo droga wiedza, w moim kraju chcą za każdą wiadomość tego typu brać pieniądze, a ja ich właśnie nie mam.
Mar 28th 2011 22:56   
Olabode Ibrahim Innovator   
Making money the easy way online will be helpful for me, for this reason have to join this group
Mar 29th 2011 07:16   
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