
The Pets Club

by Paula van Dun Retired
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
THE PETS CLUBJoin The Pets Club for free, just log in with your apsense inlog data and joinShare your pet stories and picturesAsk advice to other membersNo spamming allowedThis is really a cool pet site, you will love it!The site is about pets but also fans of wildlife can join.Please join and invite your friends that have pets.I have had a chat with Wincer regarding advertising and marketing. It is now allowed to ad a link in your article provided you write quality content on an animal related subject.So if you are a dog breeder you may write an article about dog training and put a link to your site beneath it.If you own a petstore you may write an article about gold fish and put a link to your petstore in the article.I will monitor this very closely! All articles not related to animals will be deleted. Articles that only consist of a few sentences and a link will also be deleted. If you make the effort to post an article that ads value for our members it will be accepted. The second advantage will be that you will sooner qualify for an honor which gives you more privileges.
Feb 24th 2011 06:20

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Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
I had a discussion with Wincer and now the rules regarding marketing and advertising are loosened a bit. This has been updated in above description and i will modify the info on my niche and in apsense wiki as well. So if you are in the animal business it is now beneficail for you to join this niche.
Apr 5th 2011 04:31   
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