Blogging Experts

Welcome to group. Introduce Yourself

by Sriram Raj Professional Blogger
Sriram Raj Committed   Professional Blogger
Hi I am sriram, software engineer and professional blogger from India. This group is to share the professional blogging tips and latest blogging tools useful for bloggers.

Do share your valuable blogging tips and tricks with the group members. Anything other than blogging tools and resources will be removed from this blog and subjects removed.

Do share your expert blogging site and Link exchange here.

My Expert Blogging Tips site Pro Article Base. Do visit my site and add your site. I will visit and share my comments on the site
Feb 12th 2011 02:29

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Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Hi Sriram,

My name is Philippe Moisan. I've been very active at APSense since October 2010.

I have several blogs.

Also, I created a group called "Guest Blogging" here at APSense. I don't think it competes with the group here. As a matter of fact, I'm glad to see the group here, cause I know of many resources about blogging and I will mention these here too.
Feb 17th 2011 08:40   
Sriram Raj Committed   Professional Blogger
Thanks Philippe for joining the group. Looking for more posts from you
Mar 5th 2011 04:49   
Ray Hosking Innovator   Internet marketer.
Hi, Sriram,

My name is Ray Hosking, i am from Australia. I joined the group to learn how to make my bog more interesting and where to or how to find good content.
My motto is if i can't keep my blog interesting and informative then how can expect people to read and subscribe to it.

Hoping to find some answers here and learn some tricks of the trade.

Thanks for having me here,
Ray Hosking.
Mar 20th 2011 02:28   
Maryse Paines Advanced   OnLine Marketing
Hi Maryse here hailing all the way from st Martin (French West Indies) I joined this group to learn all I need to know from you experts.

Thanks for having me.
Mar 27th 2011 18:40   
Kritt Wien Advanced   Travel and Tourism
Kritt is here...Going to be most credible value for Pro...
Mar 29th 2011 02:29   
Sriram Raj Committed   Professional Blogger
@Rays Thanks Rays for introducing yourself to blog members

@Maryse Welcome to group
Mar 29th 2011 10:51   
Reuben O. Innovator  Blogger, SEO, Affiliate Marketing
Hi, I am Reuben from Serbia. I just joined this group and hope to learn more about blogging and how to use blogs properly.
Apr 17th 2011 09:14   
Sriram Raj Committed   Professional Blogger
@Reuben. welcome to the group
Apr 18th 2011 04:11   
Reuben O. Innovator  Blogger, SEO, Affiliate Marketing
Thanks Jumbo Sri, As I said in my introductory post, I want to learn more about blogging from people who more expert than me. I am fairly new to using blogs in internet marketing. My major niches are in herbal health supplements but hope to dive into others as well and need to gather knowledge. One can always learn new things in life.
Apr 18th 2011 05:24   
Sriram Raj Committed   Professional Blogger
@Reuben Yup you are right, you should know about the blogging techniques and tools. Seo is also important for blogging
Apr 19th 2011 03:43   
Hi,my name is Daniel Essiet.I am a business journalist from Nigeria.Here to learn from the masters on how to make money from blogging.
Apr 23rd 2011 14:10   
Stephen A. B. Magnate I   AYS Multi Services
Its Nice to be Here, I am Ayojideonline, a young Webmaster, Internet Entrepreneur, an investor, Marketer and Hope to learn a lot from this group, My websites are Indicated in my Signature Below, ...Cheers
Apr 28th 2011 11:50   
Sriram Raj Committed   Professional Blogger
@AYojideonline Welcome to the group. Looking for some good posts from you in the group
Apr 30th 2011 03:52   
Joesph Chidi Junior  
hello, I'm Jocho from Uk, I would like to improve my understanding on webblog.
May 26th 2011 06:08   
Sean Kwan Advanced   Consultant
Hi, SK from Malaysia, have 2 blogs of different subject and want to know more tips about blogging and may share one or two in times.
May 27th 2011 18:22   
Michael Yearwood Innovator   Internet marketer
Hi Michael From Trinidad and Tobago West Indies. I sure have alot to learn about blogging
May 30th 2011 11:58   
Vijaya Lakshmi Committed   Writer, Health Consultant
Hi Sriram that is nice to see a self introductory blog. I am just starting to blog and learning the basics. Hope I will get good ideas here.
Jun 21st 2011 04:50   
Mohann Krish Advanced   
Hi, Mohann from India! I used to blog long ago but presently review blogs I wish I could write consistently. But I would sure like to follow this group.
Jun 21st 2011 06:07   
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