One24 Golden Opportunity

Viral Viral Its Everywhere!!

by Cynthia Slick Associate
Cynthia Slick Advanced   Associate
So is your company set to go viral? Well what is viral any way. It really is nothing more then word of mouth gone amok!! You have seen it. Somebody post a video and suddenly all your friends and relatives are asking "did you see that"? Or when a new business is suddenly a household name. The company I am involved with is set up for exactly that. Suddenly from out of no where it is every where. People are waiting months to get in. How absolutely cool is that. The company started here in the US and is now looking at getting licensing to go to another 9 countries in the next few months. They are growing so rapidly they are back ordering product. This is bigger then the company founders could of ever imagined. Even though they imagined just what is happening it is happening faster then they dreamed. I joined in september nevering dreaming I would be looking at almost 100 people in my downline. That is faster then I ever imagined. My waiting list is pages long.

Viral is what every new business, company wants these days. It is what all business's always wanted. Back long ago word of mouth took some time. People had to tell each other over the back fence in the corn field about something new that they liked. Then came the radio, then of course came the television. All those things made word of mouth advertising easier. With the invention of the internet came something no one ever expected. Instant word of mouth. I can post something on any social media site and almost instantly word of mouth turns into thousands of people.

When you think about that it is mind boogling isn't it. However just because it can be just that quick doesn't mean it will be. You can do your part and do your part but if the business is not a good business just as quick people will know! Not many business's today are set up for success in mind. I am lucky enough that I found one that will pay you the first four months just for being a part of it. Why, because they designed it that way to help the guy getting started a boost up! Everyone wants everything instantanously these days. We have come to expect it. When it doesn't we move on. The company founder Mark Seyforth knew this and so he put a bonus in the plan to pay everyone in their first four months. It is stopping attrition. It could stop it every where.

When I first started I had never heard of my company but I looked at the pay plan it was simple to understand and had potential beyond my wildest dreams. Now today a little over 3 months later it is every where I look! That is viral! That is what it means. If your company is doing this terrific. If not you may want to take a look. Stop by give me a chat. I will share my excitement. What ever you do. If your looking to get into the internet marketing business make sure you understand the company your about to get involved with. Do some research about the company officers. Make sure they have a product or service that everyone needs and wants. Find out from people involved with it if they are excited about where things are going. Good luck to your success and I surely hope you get to experience going viral too!

Jan 17th 2011 14:05

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Tony Denson Advanced   Local Market Consultant
Viral is the new way of marketing I agree. Offering tools and ebooks that help the viral effect is brilliant.
Jan 17th 2011 15:48   
Benhart Iwan Innovator   
It is good news for every one. I am interest.
Jan 18th 2011 02:17   
Ginny Williams Committed   Affiliate and Network Marketing
Cindy, very nice presentation and very informative.
Jan 18th 2011 05:23   
R. Weatherly Magnate II   Business Professional
Thanks for the offer, word of mouth advertising is sweet
Jan 18th 2011 15:03   
Dmitriy Mashoshin Committed   GUARANTEED $15K by the end of this
So is your company set to go viral?
Jan 19th 2011 11:27   
Sue and Shawn Kelly Committed   List Building Experts
Great blog. The main thing Viral does is that it becomes a tool to see which ads are working. If the effect of the ad is minimal try changing the subject line before you consider deleting the ad copy.
Jan 19th 2011 14:06   
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