How Can You Earn an Income On the Internet

What do People Say About YOU?

by Lonnie Niver Niver's Art
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
December 8, 2010Written By Lonnie Niver
I was sitting by the fire last night trying to think of something that would help you build your creditability ranking online. After doing some brainstorming I came up with a solution that is going to put you above everyone else. The best and most effective way to build your credibility rank is Testimonials.
Yeah right!
This is nothing new but It's true, People want to know what other people are saying about you and if you are getting good testimonials then your credibility rank will go up. These Testimonials have to be good solid testament of what you have done to create a trustful relationship with them.
 "What do People Say About YOU?". 
Every good thing that someone says about me I add it to my Testimonial page for the world wide web to see  that I am a trustworthy person. This gives me an edge on you and anyone else who doesn't have a testimonial page on their blog or social site.
I have said time and time again in other articles that when you are first starting out no one knows you so you have to prove that you can be trusted. Once you have built that trust they will leave a good testament about you and why they like you. 
Start helping others and STOP regurgitating a sales pitch and people will follow, GUARANTEED. People what you to provide a solution to their problems not to sell them on a product.
Best Regards,
Lonnie NiverFollow: Networking Together BlogView My Testimonials
Dec 8th 2010 11:44

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Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
To add: This is a great way to add back links to people who give you a great testimonial too.
Dec 8th 2010 11:48   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Excellent point yes we all need backing to add to our credibility as writers, sellers or what ever we do we always need a referral to back up your statements. Testimonials work wonders to add to your credibility. People always look for other peoples comment on who and what you have done..So adding this feature will enhance your overall image!!

great reminder Lonnie
Dec 8th 2010 11:50   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Very good article Lonnie and I agree. I have written some stuff too with a similar message. I am very proud that I have some testimonials from some people too.
Dec 8th 2010 11:55   
Katrina O. Professional   Indiana Water Filters
Wonderfully said! I love to give testimonials for people after I get to know them here! I love getting them! Not only does it add credibility, it can give a boost of confidence if you are having a bad day! Topped and shared!
Dec 8th 2010 11:59   
Laura Newton Committed  The Water Filter Lady
Here is an excellent article... and guess what I did? I took all the wonderful testimonials I've gotten here on Apsense and placed them under the opportunity section of my blog! It is a super awesome way to show people that are interested in your business, that you are a leader in your business. Thanks for sharing Lonnie.
May 18th 2011 14:38   
Chukwuekwu Okonta Professional   Forensic accountant
Thats was nice article thanks not testimonial but good one.
May 18th 2011 14:49   
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