Scifi and Fantasy Fanatics

Fiction, Imagination, Fantasy have no borders

by Agus Pramono Freelance
Agus Pramono Advanced   Freelance
What is inside the human's mind? That's a gift from God. It has no border nor limitation. Sometime it doesn't make any senses, but it's too good to be true. And the other person tries to implement it in visual medium, e.g. movie.
We, as the spectator, are only enjoying the creation of the director from the writing of an author.
It seems like we have another world to live in. Keep dreaming, keep imaginating for all great writers of the world. We are looking forward your masterpieces.
Dec 7th 2010 16:14

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Imagination is a wonderful thing!
Dec 7th 2010 17:59   
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