Creative Writing

Writing for Profit and Pleasure

by Dave Gilbert Web Entreprenuer
Dave Gilbert Senior   Web Entreprenuer
There is another form of writing that most people on todays internet seem to overlook, everyone seems set of producing written works that relate to some form of marketing or advertising, they seem to forget that not everyone on the internet is there to either learn marketing, join income opportunities or purchase products, some simply use the internet to play online games or to socialize.

So how do you as a marketer reach this group of people that would not normally read material centered on either products or marketing ?.

One way is to produce non related works IE. Poetry,Fiction or non fictional works, now it may seem like this is a strange way to market something to a reader that isn't really interested in your general works, however if in your bio you include reference to other works by the same author and you have made your non marketing/advertising literature suitably interesting there is every chance that readers will look at your other works and indeed read them, not because they have a sudden interest in marketing, advertising or products but because they want to get more background on you, to get to know you a little better and to see if your worth following as an author.

In the process of their research and perusal of you other works some information will be retained in their subconscious memory and when the time is right and they are looking for a particular product or piece of information that fits in with your normal ?marketing or advertising based works they will feel compelled to search you out.

The big spin off for these "social" literatures is that you may also find yourself being sought after by publishing houses wanting to produce novels or novellas, this can be a very profitable exercise that can really build your reputation as an author in both the online and offline worlds.
Nov 25th 2010 06:09

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Linda Fausset Innovator   
Story telling is a creative and effective way to market. Also the idea of down laodable books should get every amature author excited. The process is changing
Dec 6th 2010 14:20   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
I also write most of the time about marketing but sometimes I am fed up with it and on those occasions I try to write something funny. I did this twice and it is amazing how much response I got. This might even be more if I had published it on a less business related network. I will try that out sometime.
Dec 6th 2010 15:50   
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