Helping One Another Become The Best They Can Be

What if we Used The Potential of Others To Succeed

by Joseph Botelho Investing One Gram at a Time
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
November 17, 2010What if we Used The Potential of Others To Succeed!

When we have an open mind on this concept, we will all become better at what we do when we use the power of fully understand the benefits from others.  I have realized one thing in my life l learn each and everyday from someone providing  me with wisdom and knowledge that l did not have a moment ago.  When you use this information and knowledge you can move in the correct direction.

I strongly believe that people you meet and gain this knowledge where put in your life by design, for you either to attach or learn from them.  Let's not forget we can also learn from negative people, first thing you can do is avoid them at all cost and then do not make the same mistakes they have made.  Time to move on with your life...

All the people you meet on a daily base or come in contact with have something to offer you.  They can provide your with excellent insights into predictable human behavior that you may perhaps use later in life.  This is a key ingredient in your search for success, learn from all who we meet regardless of where they came from or who they are.

The people you meet and drive you absolutely nuts in life one day could become your best friend.  Think about what l just have said, more then likely has happen in you life time.  You need to fully understand this type of practice and fully understanding the insight of how us  humans behave.  When you apply this type of insight to your everyday life you will fully master this concept and use it to your advantage.

Welcoming all New Members To This Group !!!

read the above article before you decide to join this group
only interested in members who will apply
what l teach within this group!!!

You know how how l am, not here to sell you anything, just want you all
to understand how success is obtain and reached.

Regards,Joseph F. Botelhomy profile

Nov 17th 2010 19:20

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M.fadlan Fadlan Innovator  
hi .. I am glad to be your friend. and I hope many take advantage of this network ..
Nov 18th 2010 22:24   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
When take the time to share concepts and ideas to enhance each and all of us learning from one another is really a good thing..
Jun 15th 2011 10:35   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Running an online business is very complex. You need many skills especially when you host your own site. And some skills are not everybody's turf and require long studies. You can't possibly be an expert in everything your self. So you need a team, partners and friends to help you. This is win/win for everybody since all save both time and money. It is not hard to find such friends and partners. They will find you. Give and you shall receive is the device here. Just be social and give help when you can. This you can do also by topping, sharing and good commenting. Everybody needs promotion, it will be appreciated. However I feel you should not share and top something for the sole reason to make people like you. Remember all your actions reflect who you are so if you top and share bad content i.e. a ponzi scheme this can hurt you.
Jun 16th 2011 12:19   
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