The Law of Attraction Group

...but HOW to put "The Secret" to work in daily life

by Nancy Bishop
Nancy Bishop Advanced
Hello all,

Pretty new to this place, but thought I would throw out something that really helped me.

I of course have the DVD, read the book (many times) and loved it. Had these great "Ah ha" moments.

But when someone shared with me the books from
Abraham (Esther and Jerry Hicks)
especially "Ask And It Is Given" I GOT IT!

Now I have a daily "bible" so to speak, to help me put all the "secret " concepts into actually practice. It is fabulous.

I am sure you can check them out from any library as well as any bookstore. I highly recommend it as it really made all th pieces
come together for me.

Anyone an "Abraham" fan too?


Jun 6th 2007 23:38

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Janet Matthews Professional   Health and Nutrition Writer
Hi Nancy

I haven't got round to watching The Secret yet. Not sure why!!!! However I have read "Ask and it is Given" by Esther and Gerry Hicks, and also I have read their book called the "Law of Attraction". Both books are excellent.

I do understand the principles they describe and believe them to be true but have a real block regarding using them in my own life. I think I was brought up not to expect and to be satisfied with what I have.

I certainly am very blessed with a wonderful family (3 grown up children and 2 grandchildren, not mention a very supportive husband and doting parents who have just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary!!!), BUT would just like a "bit" more money to help them all out from time to time. Then I feel guilty for "wanting"!!

Am I alone in feeling this way????

Jun 13th 2007 12:24   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
If you would like to watch the original "Abraham Hicks" version of The Secret, you can copy and paste this url into your browser - while you're there you can sign up for a copy of the Science of Getting Rich ebook.
Jun 15th 2007 10:33   
Joanne Ott Advanced   
No you arent alone Janet! I think a lot of people feel the same way.

I was conditioned to not expect too much either, and to feel guilty if I wanted a lot more out of life.

It isnt easy to change thoughts and beliefs we have had since childhood, but it can be done.

Jun 15th 2007 10:59   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Hi Janet,

Not sure how it happened, but somehow I missed your post about feeling guilty.

You are absolutely NOT alone in feeling that way. It is the way we are conditioned. You NEED to read The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. Getting Rich, not just comfortable, but rich in every sense of the word, is noble and right. - seriously sign up and get the book and watch the original version of the movie.

Just do it Janet... you'll love it!

Jun 15th 2007 11:00   
Nancy O'Dell Innovator   
Hi All
I have been a student of LOA for many years, way before The Secret came out and I KNOW it is the truth. I have seen so much over the years that have demonstrated this to be fact. But even though I KNOW this fact of life, it doesn't stop my programing from childhood from rearing its ugly head and intering with my plans. I find that it is a constant challenge to stay vigilant and be impeccable with my thoughts and words.

I joined the SGR program from Bob Proctor, Michael Beckwirth, and Jack Canfield and have been studying regliously daily and see great results. This program is based on the Wallace Wattles book along with the wisdom of the 3 previously mentioned and others and it addresses all the concerns and guilts you have mentioned in your posts. We are meant to be evolving expanding beings and we need resources to make that happen. When you feel guilt for wanting something that is past programming that is meant to keep us down. Remind yourself that guilt is a manmade emotion and Source wants to enjoy all there is in life through you. You actually honor the life you are given by seeking to make the very most of it that you can. "He who has not even more will be taken and he who has even more will be given." That's not an exact quote but I think it's close.
We are never alone in anything we think or feel, reaching out helps us find the answers and oneness that we need.
Nancy O'Dell
Jun 17th 2007 12:22   
Janet Matthews Professional   Health and Nutrition Writer
Hi Karen - Thanks for that. I did in fact read Wallace Wattle a long time ago - I've also got the tape. I need re visit it because I had forgotten how well he put it all. Its good to know I am not the only one who feels this way.
Thanks for the link to the Abraham Hicks version of The Secret I look forward to watching it

Jun 17th 2007 12:39   
Janet Matthews Professional   Health and Nutrition Writer
Sorry Nancy - Just read your post more closely and realised it had a reference to my post re feeling guilty. Yes I do need to remember that guilt is man made and also childhood conditioning (though I don't think my parents are to blame for that) However I do believe that attachment to what we desire is probably not a good thing. True happiness comes from within and not from the things we possess. A bit contentious maybe - but hopefully open for discussion!!!

Jun 17th 2007 12:46   
Nancy O'Dell Innovator   
Hi Janet
Of course you are correct, attachment to anything is unhealthy. Seeking expansion in your life is healthy. As a therapist and coach I teach people everyday that everything is an inside job. If you are looking for anything or anyone outside of yourself to make you happy you will invariably be let down and will be continuously unfulfilled. Does that clarify? I didn't mean to sound materialistic in the least. My practice is all about living life to the fullest, transforming limits and blocks, fulfilling all our potentials, and finding inner happiness and peace.

Jun 17th 2007 13:44   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
This may be a bit of a delayed response, but there are just so many great threads going on in this system!

Nancy, I agree with you whole heartedly - everything must come from within. People tend to get stuck on the materialistic side of attraction because we tend to need to *see* evidence. I do believe that we need to let go of the notion that we should not want more material things. There is nothing wrong with desiring more. That is our innate desire for expansion.

Wattles advises us to put our energy into getting rich FIRST because having more financial resources enables you to do more - see more, impact more, experience more and live without worry. Getting rich is not greedy or less important than growing and expanding in any other way, and when you do get rich in the CERTAIN WAY, your life expands in every way.

I also got involved with the SGR program, and it is the best investment I have ever made. I truly believe it is the only training anyone needs.

Jun 24th 2007 21:11   
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