Business Support Group - SalesJuku

How To Use Link Exchanges To Drive Targeted Traffic

by Jacqueline Taylor-Adams
Jacqueline Taylor-Adams Advanced  

Link exchanges are a form of cross promotion and can drive new online and foot traffic to your business. Link exchanges can also really help your SEO, Search Engine Optimization. Now, you may ask, what does search engine optimization really mean? Basically, your website and/or business listing is optimized for best placement on search engines.

When people go on the internet, if they do not know the exact web address for what they are looking for they will search for it. Also, many people I know use the search boxes in lieu of an address bar. Meaning, even when they have a web address, they enter the address in the search bar.

Your concern is, will your website come up in the top ten listings when people search. The more links you have coming to your site, the better your search engine ranking.

TARGETED TRAFFIC. Before you can understand targeted traffic, you have to have defined who is your target audience. Your targeted audience is part of the foundation on which your business is built. The belief that you should share with anybody and everybody in hopes that maybe somebody will be interested in your offerings, is erroneous.

We each only have so much time, energy, and resources, so we must be strategic in in our movement. Defining your target audience seems so basic in business, but so many business people, especially many network marketers, seem to overlook this important element and in turn have low sales results while many time creating a brand image of being a pest, not to take seriously, spam, etc.

When choosing link exchanges, select exchanges that market to your target audience and to people and/or businesses who would refer to your target audience. Think about what type of things does your target audience do, where do they go, what things do they like, do they rent or own. These questions will help you know where to find your target audience and thereby help you choose the best link exchanges.

Below is information on three types of link exchanges in an article by Edwina Warder, CEO of eBiz Marketing. Edwina uses eBiz Marketing's link exchanges as examples. You can determine if they will drive targeted traffic to you.


[SEO] Link Exchanges Targeted Traffic Drivers
by Edwina Warder

Posting your site's URL is important. Links bring you direct traffic, increase your popularity, and help you rank higher in the entire major search engines. If you want to increase your search engine optimization, partner with The more sites you are listed on... the more people who will get a chance to see what you have to offer. You will reach people that you would otherwise not have the opportunity to reach. To assist you in increasing your sites exposure, we have three sites that you can post your information on. All these sites are based on a reciprocal business, all we ask is that you place our banner or text on your site, The great thing is about this is there is no cost for this service. It?s FREE!

For more information on our text only link exchange program, please visit:

We also offer a Business Banner Exchange Directory. On this site you can place your business banner on our site with a direct link back to your website. For more information on our banner exchange directory please visit: For our policies regarding our banner exchange program please visit:

Link Around is the webring for the Black Business Value Tour. This Directory is 100% free! By linking with us, your site will be placed on the websites of all current and future businesses that link with our WebRing! All we ask in return is that you place our Link Around Web Ring on your site. The Black Business Space Value Tour is a listing of vast Black and African American owned businesses, organizations, and performing and visual artists. To post your business on our Link Around Town link please visit: You can see what the link around exchange banner looks like on our site: Just scroll down to the bottom of the page, click on list and see other business that are participating.

eBiz Marketing
985 Kendall Drive Ste 224
San Bernardino, CA 92407
Oct 18th 2010 18:10

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Jibril Babangida Bala Committed   Consultant.
Thank you my dear keep the good work going.
Oct 20th 2010 06:14   
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